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The car industry is changing fast, and some exciting things are happening! Here’s what you can expect in the future:

1. More Electric Cars: Electric cars are becoming more popular. They run on batteries instead of gas, which is better for the environment. Companies like Tesla are leading the way, and soon, we might see more electric cars than gas ones.

2. Self-Driving Cars: Imagine sitting in a car that drives itself! Self-driving cars are being tested right now, and are actually already on the road in cities like Scottsdale, Arizona. These cars use sensors and cameras to navigate, making driving safer and easier.

3. Smart Cars: Cars are getting smarter. Many, if not all, new cars have features like GPS, internet connectivity, and even voice control. You can talk to your car and ask it to play music, find directions, or even call someone.

4. Better Fuel Efficiency: Even gas cars are getting better. They are being designed to use less fuel, which saves money and helps the environment. This means you can drive farther without spending as much on gas.

5. New Car Designs: Cars are becoming more efficient, stylish, and comfortable. Expect to see sleek designs, high-tech interiors, and more customization options.

How This Might Change Limited Warranties

With all these new changes, vehicle service contracts will also need to adapt. Here’s how:

1. Longer Battery Limited Warranties: As more electric cars hit the road, limited warranties will need to cover the batteries, which can be expensive to replace. Expect longer battery limited warranties to give buyers peace of mind.

2. Software Updates: Smart cars and self-driving cars rely on software. Limited warranties might start to include software updates and fixes, ensuring your car’s tech stays up-to-date and runs smoothly.

3. Comprehensive Coverage: With advanced technology and smart features, cars will need more comprehensive vehicle service contracts that cover both traditional car parts and new tech components like sensors and cameras.

4. Customizable Vehicle Service Contracts: Just like cars, limited warranties might become more customizable. Buyers could choose plans that fit their specific needs, whether it’s extended coverage for electric batteries or protection for high-tech features.

In short, as cars get smarter, safer, and more efficient, limited warranties will evolve to match these advancements, offering better protection and peace of mind for car owners. So, buckle up and get ready for an exciting ride into the future of the car industry!

As an F&I manager or sales professional in the automotive industry, continuous growth and skill enhancement are crucial for staying competitive and maximizing your earnings. The Prosidium Performance Center offers a comprehensive Pro F&I Certification Course designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in your role. Here’s why you should consider signing up for this transformative program.

Comprehensive Learning Experience

The Pro F&I Certification Course at Prosidium Performance Center is crafted to provide a thorough understanding of F&I processes and best practices. The program covers essential topics such as:

  • Building Value in Products: Learn how to effectively communicate the value of various F&I products to your customers.
  • Increasing Products per Vehicle: Develop strategies to upsell additional products, thereby increasing profitability.
  • Enhancing Profitability: Master techniques to maximize your profit margins on every sale, ensuring both customer satisfaction and business success.

Expert-Led Training

The course is led by seasoned professionals with extensive experience in the automotive F&I industry. Their insights and real-world examples provide practical knowledge that you can apply immediately in your dealership. By learning from the best, you can gain a competitive edge and improve your performance significantly.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

Training at the Prosidium Performance Center means you get access to state-of-the-art facilities designed to enhance your learning experience. From smart boards to interactive training sessions, every aspect of the course is designed to provide a conducive learning environment. Additionally, amenities such as group dinners and easy hotel bookings ensure a comfortable and engaging experience throughout the program.

Networking Opportunities

The Pro F&I Certification Course is also a great opportunity to network with other professionals in the industry. Sharing experiences and strategies with peers can provide new insights and foster professional relationships that benefit your career in the long run.

Proven Results

Participants of the Prosidium Performance Center’s programs often report significant improvements in their performance metrics. Increased customer satisfaction index (CSI) scores and higher profitability are common outcomes for those who complete the certification. This is a testament to the quality and effectiveness of the training provided.

Support Beyond the Classroom

Prosidium Performance Center doesn’t just stop at training; they offer continued support even after you complete the course. Trainers check in about 30 days post-completion to ensure you’re implementing what you’ve learned effectively and to offer additional guidance if needed.

Why Choose Prosidium Performance Center?

  • Ethical and Compliant Training: The training programs are built on strong ethical and compliance principles, ensuring that you not only improve your sales but also build trust with your customers.
  • Experienced Instructors: Learn from the industry’s best, with trainers who have decades of experience and a track record of success.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Covering all aspects of F&I management, from sales techniques to customer service, the curriculum is designed to make you a top-performing F&I manager.

If you’re ready to take your career to the next level, consider enrolling in the Pro F&I Certification Course at the Prosidium Performance Center. Our next course begins on October 15th and you won’t want to miss it! You can register here! 

Enhance your skills, boost your sales, and achieve greater success in your career with Prosidium Performance Center’s Pro F&I Certification Course!

Keeping up with regular maintenance is essential for your vehicle’s performance and your ability to make limited warranty or vehicle service contract claims. Here’s why regular maintenance matters and how it impacts your claims.

Why Regular Maintenance Matters

Preventing Major Repairs

Regular maintenance, like oil changes and brake inspections, helps prevent major and costly repairs. When you follow a maintenance schedule, your car is less likely to break down, which is crucial since many limited warranties and vehicle service contracts won’t cover damage caused by neglect.

Maintaining Limited Warranty Validity

To make a successful limited warranty claim, you usually need to prove you’ve followed the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule. This shows you’ve taken care of your vehicle and any issues aren’t due to neglect. Without proof of regular maintenance, your claim could be denied.

Improving Resale Value

Regular maintenance also boosts your car’s resale value. A well-maintained car with a complete service history is more attractive to buyers. Plus, if your car is still under a limited warranty or vehicle service contract, having proof of maintenance can increase its appeal and value.

Keeping Your Maintenance Records Up to Date

Use a Maintenance Log

Keep a log of all maintenance activities, including dates, types of service, mileage, and service provider details.

Save Receipts and Invoices

Always save receipts and invoices from your service provider. These documents are proof of maintenance and are essential for claims. Organize them by date and type of service for easy reference.

Follow the Manufacturer’s Schedule

Stick to the maintenance schedule in your vehicle’s owner’s manual. This schedule is designed to keep your vehicle in top condition and is often required to maintain your limited warranty or vehicle service contract.

Choosing Professional Service Providers

Pick a reputable service provider for your vehicle maintenance. Certified mechanics and authorized service centers understand the specific needs of different vehicle brands and can ensure maintenance is done correctly. Service by certified professionals is more likely to be accepted by your limited warranty or vehicle service contract.

Regular maintenance is vital for keeping your vehicle in great shape and ensuring your limited warranty claims are successful. By following a maintenance schedule, keeping detailed records, and choosing reputable service providers, you protect your investment and gain peace of mind knowing your vehicle is covered under your service contract.

A well-maintained vehicle is not just reliable but also a reflection of your commitment to its care. For more tips on vehicle maintenance and limited warranty options, visit Prosidium USA today.

Limited warranties can be a lifesaver when unexpected repairs arise, but many car owners don’t fully understand how to make the most of their coverage. Here are some tips and tricks to help you maximize your limited warranty and ensure you get the best value.

1. Understand Your Limited Warranty Coverage

The first step in maximizing your limited warranty is understanding exactly what it covers. Limited warranties typically come in three main types:

  • Bumper-to-Bumper: Covers almost all parts of the vehicle except for wear-and-tear items like tires and brake pads.
  • Powertrain: Focuses on the engine, transmission, and other parts that make the car move.
  • Extended: An optional coverage you can purchase to extend the protection beyond the original warranty period.

Read your limited warranty documentation carefully to know what is covered and what is not. This will help you avoid unexpected expenses and make informed decisions about repairs.

2. Follow the Maintenance Schedule

One of the most important aspects of maintaining your vehicle service contract coverage is adhering to the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule. Regular maintenance not only keeps your vehicle running smoothly but also ensures that you remain eligible for vehicle service contract repairs. Skipping scheduled maintenance can void your vehicle service contract, leaving you to pay for repairs out of pocket.

3. Keep Detailed Records

Maintaining detailed records of all maintenance and repair work is crucial. This documentation serves as proof that you have followed the maintenance schedule and can be used to support vehicle service contract claims. Keep receipts, work orders, and any other relevant paperwork organized and easily accessible.

4. Handle Repairs Promptly

If you notice a problem with your vehicle, don’t wait to have it checked out. Small issues can quickly escalate into major repairs if left unattended. Addressing problems early can often lead to quicker, less expensive fixes and ensure that the repairs are covered under your vehicle service contract.

5. Choose Authorized Repair Shops

While the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act allows you to use any repair shop, choosing an authorized service center can streamline the vehicle service contract claims process. Authorized shops are familiar with vehicle service contract work and can often handle the paperwork and approvals directly with the manufacturer, saving you time and hassle.

6. Be Aware of Exclusions

Every vehicle service contract has exclusions—items and conditions that are not covered. Common exclusions include routine maintenance items, wear-and-tear parts, and damage from accidents or misuse. Understanding these exclusions will help you avoid unnecessary disputes and focus on getting the most out of your coverage.

7. Consider an Extended Warranty

If your vehicle’s original limited warranty is about to expire, consider purchasing an extended warranty. Extended warranties can provide additional peace of mind and financial protection as your car ages and becomes more prone to mechanical issues. Be sure to compare different plans and read the fine print to choose the best option for your needs.

8. Stay Informed About Recalls

Manufacturers occasionally issue recalls for defective parts or safety issues. Repairs for recalled items are typically free, even if your vehicle service contract has expired. Stay informed about recalls by checking the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) website or signing up for alerts from your car’s manufacturer.

Maximizing your limited warranty coverage requires a proactive approach. By understanding your vehicle service contract, keeping up with maintenance, and handling repairs promptly, you can ensure that you get the most value and protection from your vehicle service contract. Remember, a well-maintained vehicle not only runs better but also retains its value longer, making these efforts worthwhile in the long run.

Hey, auto industry finance professionals! The Finance and Insurance (F&I) office is evolving, and staying on top of the latest trends can help you excel. Let’s dive into the key trends shaping the F&I landscape and how you can use them to boost warranty product sales and enhance customer satisfaction.

1. Digital Transformation and Online Sales

The digital age has revolutionized the automotive industry, and the F&I office is no exception. More customers are researching and buying cars online, changing how we approach selling warranty products.

Implications for you: Adapt to the digital landscape by offering online F&I product presentations and consultations. Use digital tools to provide detailed information about warranty products, financing options, and other add-ons.

Tips for success:
  • Embrace e-contracting: Streamline paperwork with electronic contracting solutions to speed up transactions and improve the customer experience.
  • Virtual consultations: Offer video calls to discuss warranty products with customers, providing real-time answers and personalized service.

2. Personalization and Data-Driven Sales

Customers expect personalized experiences, and using data can help you tailor your offerings to meet their needs.

Implications for you: Use customer data to understand preferences and buying behaviors. This allows you to recommend the most relevant warranty products and F&I services.

Tips for success:
  • CRM systems: Utilize Customer Relationship Management systems to gather and analyze customer data, helping you identify the best products for each individual.
  • Customized presentations: Personalize your sales pitch based on the customer’s vehicle, driving habits, and purchase history. Highlight how specific warranty products can offer peace of mind and financial protection.

3. Transparency and Education

Today’s consumers are informed and expect transparency. Providing clear and honest information about F&I products is crucial.

Implications for you: Focus on educating customers about the value and benefits of warranty products. Build trust through transparency about costs, coverage, and exclusions.

Tips for success:
  • Educational materials: Create brochures, videos, and other resources that clearly explain the benefits of warranty products. Make these available both online and in your dealership.
  • Transparent pricing: Be upfront about pricing and terms. Use comparison charts to help customers understand their options.

4. Compliance and Regulatory Changes

The F&I office must stay compliant with evolving regulations to avoid legal issues and maintain customer trust.

Implications for you: Staying updated on regulatory changes is essential. Ensure all sales practices comply with federal and state laws.

Tips for success:
  • Continuous training: Participate in regular training on compliance and ethical sales practices. Stay informed about new regulations affecting F&I transactions. The good news is continuing education is made easy through Prosidium Performance Center. We offer a highly sought-after PRO F&I Course that will teach old and new F&I professionals how to put the most money into their family’s pocket.
  • Documentation: Maintain accurate and thorough documentation for all transactions. Ensure customers receive and understand necessary disclosures.

5. Enhanced Customer Experience

Providing an exceptional customer experience can set your dealership apart and increase F&I product sales.

Implications for you: Focus on creating a seamless and positive experience from the moment customers enter the dealership to the completion of their purchase.

Tips for success:
  • Customer feedback: Regularly collect and analyze customer feedback to identify areas for improvement. Use this feedback to enhance your sales process and interactions.
  • Value-added services: Offer additional services like complimentary vehicle inspections or extended service hours to enhance the customer experience and build loyalty.

Leveraging PWC’s Warranty Products

Staying ahead of these trends will help you enhance your F&I sales strategy and provide better service. PWC’s vehicle warranty products are designed to offer comprehensive coverage and alleviate high maintenance costs. Educating your customers about these products can help them make informed decisions and provide them with peace of mind.

By incorporating these trends into your daily practice, you’ll be well-equipped to meet the evolving needs of your customers. Stay proactive, informed, and continue to deliver exceptional service. 

Let’s talk about something that all of us have faced at one point or another – those pesky warning lights on your car’s dashboard. You know the ones I’m talking about. They pop up unexpectedly and often leave you wondering, “Is it really that serious?” Well, buckle up because we’re going to dive into why you should never ignore those warning lights.

Your Car’s Way of Saying “Help!”

First things first, think of your car’s warning lights as its way of communicating with you. These lights are like your car’s language, telling you that something needs attention. It’s like when you get a headache; it’s your body’s way of saying, “Hey, something’s not right here!” Ignoring your car’s warning lights is like ignoring your body’s signals – not a great idea.

The Most Common Warning Lights

Let’s break down some of the most common warning lights you might see:

  1. Check Engine Light: This one’s a biggie. It can mean a lot of things, from a loose gas cap to something more serious like a misfiring engine. Don’t panic, but don’t ignore it either. It’s worth getting it checked out.
  2. Oil Pressure Warning: If this light comes on, it means your car’s oil pressure is low. Driving with low oil pressure can seriously damage your engine, so this is one to address immediately.
  3. Brake Warning: Your brakes are kind of important, right? This light could mean low brake fluid, worn brake pads, or something more serious. Don’t risk it – get your brakes checked.
  4. Battery Alert: This light means your battery isn’t charging properly. It could be a faulty alternator or a dying battery. Either way, you don’t want to end up stranded with a dead battery.
  5. Tire Pressure Warning: Modern cars have sensors to monitor tire pressure. If this light comes on, it means one or more of your tires is under-inflated, which can affect your car’s handling and fuel efficiency.

What’s the Worst That Could Happen?

Now, you might be thinking, “Okay, but what’s the worst that could happen if I ignore a warning light for a little while?” Here’s the thing – ignoring these lights can lead to bigger problems down the road (pun intended).

  • Increased Repair Costs: What might start as a small issue can turn into a major repair if ignored. For example, ignoring a check engine light might lead to costly repairs that could have been avoided with early intervention.
  • Safety Risks: Some warning lights, like the brake or tire pressure warnings, are directly related to your safety. Ignoring them puts you and others on the road at risk.
  • Lower Resale Value: If you plan to sell your car in the future, a history of ignored warning lights and deferred maintenance can significantly lower its resale value.

What to Do When a Warning Light Comes On

So, what should you do when a warning light comes on? Here’s a simple plan of action:

  1. Don’t Panic: Not all warning lights mean immediate disaster. Stay calm and assess the situation.
  2. Check Your Manual: Your car’s manual can give you specific information about what each warning light means and what steps to take.
  3. Address It Promptly: Even if the issue seems minor, it’s best to address it sooner rather than later. This can prevent further damage and save you money in the long run.
  4. Seek Professional Help: If you’re unsure about what a warning light means or how to fix it, take your car to a professional. They have the tools and expertise to diagnose and fix the problem.

Regular Maintenance is Key

One of the best ways to avoid seeing those warning lights is to keep up with regular maintenance. Regular oil changes, tire rotations, and brake inspections can help keep your car in tip-top shape and reduce the chances of unexpected issues.


In the end, those warning lights are there for a reason. They’re your car’s way of saying, “Hey, I need a little attention here!” Ignoring them can lead to bigger problems, higher repair costs, and even safety risks. So, the next time you see a warning light pop up on your dashboard, take it seriously. Your car (and your wallet) will thank you. And here’s the good news: PWC’s vehicle warranty products can help alleviate those high-cost maintenance fees. With our comprehensive coverage, you can address issues promptly without breaking the bank. Our warranties ensure that you’re protected from the financial burden of unexpected repairs, giving you peace of mind and keeping your car in top shape.

In today’s fast-paced world, owning a vehicle is both a necessity and an investment. Whether you’re driving a brand-new model off the lot or cruising in a trusty pre-owned gem, ensuring your vehicle’s longevity and performance is paramount. That’s where Prosidium Warranty & Capital’s Auto Care steps in, offering a comprehensive vehicle service contract that delivers unparalleled peace of mind for drivers everywhere.

At Prosidium, we understand that every vehicle and every driver is unique. That’s why our Auto Care plans are designed to cater to a wide range of needs, providing customizable coverage options that suit your lifestyle and budget. From basic Powertrain protection to Maximum exclusionary coverage, we have you covered. Our contracts cover all major vehicle components, such as the engine, transmission, drive axle, seals and gaskets, air conditioning, heating and cooling, electrical systems, braking, suspension, steering, fuel delivery, and much more. Depending on the coverage selected during your vehicle purchase, you can have confidence knowing that the most critical parts of your vehicle are protected.

One of the standout features of Prosidium Auto Care is our commitment to convenience and support. With a low deductible and 24-hour roadside assistance included in every plan, help is always just a phone call away. Whether you find yourself stranded with a flat tire or in need of emergency gas delivery, our roadside assistance team is here to get you back on the road swiftly and safely.

But that’s not all – Prosidium Auto Care goes above and beyond by offering unique benefits that set us apart from the competition. Our plans can be tailored to include a 2 year/30,000 mile maintenance package, ensuring that your vehicle stays in peak condition for years to come.

In addition to our standard benefits, Prosidium Auto Care offers a range of optional add-ons to further enhance your coverage. From deductible discounts for returning to the selling dealer for covered repairs to trip interruption services and business use options, we’ve thought of everything to keep you protected on the road.

And for those with unique vehicle needs, Prosidium Auto Care has you covered. With hybrid and lift kit options available, our plans can be tailored to accommodate a variety of vehicles and lifestyles.

In conclusion, Prosidium Auto Care is more than just a vehicle service contract – it’s your ultimate protection solution. With comprehensive coverage, unbeatable benefits, and a commitment to customer satisfaction, Prosidium Auto Care is the partner you can trust to keep you and your vehicle safe on every journey. So why wait? Take the first step towards worry-free driving today with Prosidium Auto Care.

In today’s competitive automotive market, finding the right partner can make all the difference in dealership success. Since 2009, Prosidium Warranty & Capital (PWC) has been the trusted ally for dealerships, offering a comprehensive range of F&I products and services designed to fuel growth and prosperity.

1. Strong Foundation for Success

At Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we believe that success begins with a solid foundation. Our extensive suite of F&I products includes Vehicle Service Contracts, Limited and Lifetime Warranty Programs, Guaranteed Asset Protection, and Ancillary Protection Products like Anti-Theft and Key Replacement. These products are backed by A.M. Best ‘A’ rated carriers, ensuring customers’ peace of mind.

In addition to our product offerings, we provide robust training, development, and participation programs for dealers and agents. Our aim is to empower our partners with the knowledge and tools needed to excel in today’s competitive market.

2. Cutting-Edge Technology for Seamless Operations

Innovation is key at Prosidium Warranty & Capital. Our online Prosidium Contract Administration program leverages state-of-the-art technology for E-Rating, E-Contracting, E-Remitting, claims processing, and reporting. This streamlined “One Source” solution simplifies processes for dealers and customers alike.

Moreover, our integration with dealer DMS and menu systems ensures a seamless end-to-end experience. With Prosidium, dealers can focus on sales while we handle the administrative tasks efficiently.

3. Industry-Leading Excellence

At Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we are committed to excellence in all aspects of our operations. From superior products to cutting-edge technologies and comprehensive training programs, we strive to deliver top-tier service to our partners.

Drawing on our team’s extensive experience in marketing F&I products and previous retail franchise ownership, we offer unique business opportunities for agents and dealers alike. Our innovative approach opens up new revenue streams, driving growth and success for our partners.

In summary, Prosidium Warranty & Capital is more than just an F&I provider – we’re a trusted partner dedicated to helping dealerships thrive. With a strong foundation, advanced technology, and a commitment to excellence, we’re poised to elevate your dealership to new heights. Contact us today to discover how we can help you achieve your growth goals.


Our claims administration and reinsurance programs help minimize risk, while adding additional revenue streams. Contact us to learn more about PWC’s Processes, Products, and Profit Strategies by clicking the button below: 

Buying a car can feel like a wild ride, with tons of options, deals, and paperwork to sort through. But did you know that there’s a crucial step that often gets overlooked? It’s called financing and insurance (F&I), and it’s where the real magic happens behind the scenes.

Meet the F&I managers, the unsung heroes of the car-buying process. These folks work tirelessly to make sure you not only get the best financing options but also the right insurance coverage for your needs.

Here’s how these F&I pros have got your back:

  1. Financial Wizards: F&I managers know the ins and outs of automotive financing like the back of their hand. They’ll walk you through all the loan jargon, interest rates, and payment plans, so you can make smart decisions that fit your budget.

  2. Tailored Solutions: No two buyers are the same, and F&I managers get that. They’ll customize their approach to fit your unique needs, whether that means haggling for better loan terms or finding the perfect insurance policy.

  3. Clear Communication: F&I managers believe in transparency. They’ll break down the financing and insurance process in plain language, so you know exactly what you’re signing up for.

  4. Risk Management: Owning a car comes with its fair share of risks, but F&I managers have your back. They’ll offer you options like service contracts and gap insurance to keep you protected from unexpected surprises.

  5. Your Advocate: Think of F&I managers as your personal cheerleaders throughout the car-buying journey. They’re there to answer questions, address concerns, and make sure you feel supported every step of the way.

In a nutshell, F&I managers are like your guardian angels in the world of car buying, dedicated to making sure you have a smooth and satisfying experience. And at Prosidium Performance Center (PWC), we take their training seriously. Our F&I training courses are designed to equip managers with top-notch skills and knowledge so they can offer you the best service possible. Trust us, when you partner with a PWC-trained F&I manager, you’re in good hands. Ready to take the wheel? Sign up for our next class at the link below! 

Understanding Vehicle Service Contracts: Your Guide to Vehicle Protection

In the realm of automotive services and products, understanding Vehicle Service Contracts (VSCs) can make a significant difference. Whether you’re seeking extended coverage as a car shopper or aiming to add value as a dealership, navigating VSC coverage should not be confusing. However, there are things to consider that both shoppers and dealers should avoid to provide peace of mind. Let’s explore the top five points of confusion and how Prosidium Warranty & Capital stands out as the ultimate solution for car warranty products.

1. Not knowing or reading the service agreement

A crucial mistake is neglecting to review the terms and conditions of a VSC thoroughly. It’s important to understand what’s covered, the duration of coverage, and any exclusions. Prosidium Warranty & Capital prides itself on transparency, ensuring you understand every aspect of your coverage. When considering a VSC, be thorough in presenting your car buyer with the details of coverages if asked. As a car buyer be sure to be knowledgeable in what is covered or excluded in your coverage to avoid frustration in the future.

2. Ignoring Reputation and Reliability

The reputation of the VSC provider matters. Researching credibility and track record is key to ensuring quality service. Prosidium Warranty & Capital has a stellar reputation for prompt claims processing and reliability, offering peace of mind to customers and sellers alike. We offer 15 second hold times to make sure the people repairing your car get quick approvals from us and that car owners get quick answers directly from US based PWC staff.

3. Skipping Comparison Shopping

Don’t settle for the first option without comparing. Prosidium Warranty & Capital provides competitive pricing and comprehensive coverage options, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.

4. Understanding Terms 

VSCs can come in several different term options depending on your vehicle and other factors. Maximum coverage for the longest amount of time or miles can cost more than an option that has shorter mile or year caps. Consider what is important to you as a driver and what is affordable. Prosidium Warranty & Capital offers flexible options, including discounts and customized coverage, catering to your specific needs.

In short, understanding VSC transactions requires diligence, but with Prosidium Warranty & Capital, you can trust that you’re getting the best solution for your car warranty needs. Prioritize thorough research, clear communication, and choose a provider like Prosidium Warranty & Capital for a seamless and beneficial experience.

In the competitive automotive industry, dealerships are constantly seeking innovative solutions to enhance their offerings, improve customer satisfaction, and ultimately drive growth. Prosidium Warranty and Capital emerges as a game-changer in this landscape, offering services designed to support dealerships in achieving their growth objectives. Let’s explore how Prosidium can help your dealership thrive.

1. Comprehensive Warranty Programs

Prosidium understands the importance of providing peace of mind to both dealerships and customers. Their comprehensive warranty products offer extensive coverage options tailored to meet the diverse needs of dealerships and their clients. From powertrain coverage to comprehensive bumper-to-bumper warranties, Prosidium ensures that dealerships can offer compelling warranty packages that enhance the value proposition of their vehicles.

2. Exceptional Customer Service

Prosidium is committed to providing exceptional customer service every step of the way. From assisting dealerships in selecting the right warranty programs to providing ongoing support for claims processing and customer inquiries, Prosidium’s dedicated team ensures that dealerships receive the support they need to deliver a superior customer experience. With prompt response times and personalized attention, Prosidium sets the standard for customer service excellence in the industry.

3. Streamlined Claims Processing

Efficient claims processing is essential for minimizing downtime and maximizing customer satisfaction. Prosidium leverages advanced technology and streamlined processes to ensure fast and hassle-free claims processing for dealerships and their customers. With Prosidium’s efficient claims processing system, dealerships can focus on serving their customers while leaving the complexities of claims administration in capable hands.

4. Customized Solutions for Growth

Prosidium recognizes that every dealership is unique, with its own set of challenges and growth objectives. That’s why they offer customized solutions tailored to the specific needs and goals of each dealership they serve. Whether it’s developing custom warranty programs, designing flexible financing solutions, or providing targeted training and support, Prosidium works closely with dealerships to develop strategies that drive growth and success.

5. Cutting Edge Technology

Prosidium Warranty and Capital is also at the forefront of technological progress in the automotive industry. Leveraging cutting-edge technology, Prosidium continuously innovates its processes and offerings to stay ahead of the curve. From advanced data analytics for personalized customer experiences to seamless integration with dealership management systems for streamlined operations, Prosidium harnesses the power of technology to drive efficiency, enhance decision-making, and deliver unparalleled value to dealerships and their customers. By embracing technology as a catalyst for progress, Prosidium ensures that dealerships partnering with them are well-positioned to thrive in an increasingly digital and competitive landscape, setting the standard for innovation and excellence in the automotive warranty and financing sector.

In conclusion, Prosidium Warranty and Capital is a valuable partner for dealerships looking to grow and thrive in today’s competitive automotive market. With comprehensive warranty programs, exceptional customer service, streamlined claims processing, and customized growth solutions, Prosidium empowers dealerships to reach new heights of success. By partnering with Prosidium, dealerships can enhance their offerings, attract more customers, and achieve sustainable growth in the dynamic automotive industry. Contact us today!

Navigating Cybersecurity

Auto dealerships are facing more and more cybersecurity challenges, making the safety of customer information a top priority. Dealerships have a large task at hand: keeping sensitive information safe from hackers who are intent on looking for ways to steal it. With the rise in online threats, dealerships are stepping up their efforts, using tech and implementing regulatory safeguards to prevent sensitive data from falling into the wrong hands.

The Current Cybersecurity Climate

CDK Global’s “The State of Dealership Cybersecurity 2023” found that nearly half the dealerships experienced cyberattacks in 2023, negatively impacting their finances or operations. With the noticeable increase in cyberattacks, more dealerships are taking strides to protect their data, with 53% expressing confidence in their cybersecurity measures, a noticeable rise from the previous year.

Among the safeguards, the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Safeguards Rule includes a heightened focus on consumer data protection. The new rule requires increased data protection measures and calls for quick reporting of data breaches, changing the way dealerships handle cybersecurity for the better.

Rising Pressures and Emerging Threats

Dealerships are dealing with increased liability risks and rising costs of cyber insurance, all while insurance companies are offering less coverage. Erik Nachbahr of Helion Technologies points out the dilemma dealerships face: insurance is costing more but covers less, and dealers must spend more on tech and other steps to stay safe.

Cyber threats, such as phishing, add another layer of complexity. Third-party software is dealing with more scrutiny from dealers due to potential security loopholes that could expose dealers’ primary systems to cyberattacks.

Adapting and Advancing Cybersecurity Measures

Despite these issues, the auto industry is working hard to adapt and improve. Dealerships are taking action in their cybersecurity efforts, recognizing the need to protect against the impacts of cyberattacks. Compliance with regulatory requirements, like the FTC’s Safeguards Rule, has become a focal point for dealers, showing a shift towards stronger cybersecurity measures as the industry evolves digitally.

The Road Ahead

Cybersecurity for auto dealerships in 2024 is still a big challenge, from legal liabilities to the technical complexities of protecting an expanding digital footprint. Initiatives like multifactor authentication and working with tech firms are becoming more common, reflecting a comprehensive and proactive approach to cybersecurity that covers both prevention and response strategies.

As dealerships work through the complexities of cybersecurity, keeping customer data safe, adhering to regulatory requirements, and adopting security measures are key. The journey is ongoing, but with vigilance and innovation, dealerships can aim to stay ahead of cyber threats, keeping dealerships and their customers safe.

Navigating the complexities of Finance & Insurance (F&I) coverage is key when looking to protect a vehicle investment, be it a car or a recreational vehicle (RV). Given the financial commitments involved, grasping how coverage needs differ between RVs and cars is important. These differences not only reflect the distinct aspects of ownership and usage but also the unique F&I opportunities each type of vehicle presents.

The Basics of Prosidium F&I Coverage
For Auto:

F&I in the automotive sector primarily includes extended warranties, GAP (Guaranteed Asset Protection) insurance, and vehicle service contracts. These products are designed to protect buyers from unforeseen expenses due to repairs, accidents, or the depreciation of the vehicle over time.

For RV:

Coverage for RVs typically includes these same categories of coverage but more comprehensive, reflecting the dual nature of RVs as both vehicles and living spaces. It encompasses protection for the living spaces and addresses the specialized needs of RV living and driving. This broader scope combines elements of vehicle and home coverage to mitigate a wider range of risks. Prosidium’s specific products tailored for RVs include:

RV Total Care: Coverage for costs of repairs due to common road hazards.

RV Maximum Shield: Protection against certain internal/external damages and wear.

RV Safety Shield: Product covering windshield protection and repairs.

RV Theft Shield: Theft protection system guarding against theft and unrecovered total loss of the RV.

Prosidium Care: Specialized mechanical coverage for towable and motor homes.

RV GAP: Covers the gap between the RV’s market value and loan amount in the event of a total loss.

Understanding RV Coverage Variations and Market Dynamics

RV F&I coverage can be categorized based on whether the RV is towable or motorized, with specific policies for the systems and components found in RVs. This can include coverage for engines, electrical systems, appliances, slide-out rooms, generators, kitchen centers, and more. While both auto and RV policies often offer roadside assistance, RV 24-hour roadside can extend to additional services like service calls, RV technical assistance, and concierge service, which are included in all Prosidium RV plans.

Auto coverage typically accounts for daily use, with premiums and policies structured around regular commuting patterns. On the other hand, RV coverage considers the sporadic or seasonal use of these vehicles, leading to adjusted premiums and coverages.

The initial years of the pandemic saw a significant surge in RV demand, with total RV shipments increasing by nearly 40% from 2020 to 2021. Although this demand has since declined, F&I products have emerged as a pivotal strategy for RV dealers seeking to navigate the market’s ebb and flow.

The Strategic Value of RV F&I Products

Since RVs are investments that are used over a long period of time, RV F&I solutions can help maximize their value and longevity, foster customer loyalty by delivering long-term benefits, and generate consistent revenue streams for dealerships, all while benefiting actual customers. Rising consumer acceptance rates are reflective of a strategy that involves educating customers and employees about the benefits of protecting RVs with F&I products.

Why F&I Knowledge is Key

Despite the automotive industry’s experience with higher inventory volumes and F&I product sales, the RV sector has significant growth potential. By emphasizing early consumer education on the value of protection programs, RV dealers can bridge the knowledge gap. Despite facing market challenges, informed F&I product offerings and robust consumer education can guide dealers through uncertain times.

The right F&I coverage ensures your RV is safeguarded against unforeseen circumstances. The evolving dynamics of consumer acceptance and dealership strategies in the F&I landscape highlight the need for continuous education and consulting with finance and insurance professionals for personalized advice.

Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and RV F&I products and wealth-building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development, and compliance training. Prosidium Warranty & Capital has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA.

To learn more, visit us at 

Prosidium Warranty & Capital is proud to announce our expansion into Mexico with the launch of Prosidium MX. Founded in January 2023, Prosidium MX aims to transform the Mexican market by offering finance and insurance (F&I) products and wealth management solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of local dealerships and their customers.

Our expansion is supported by our partnership with Dalton Corporation, which has seen the successful launch of 28 stores across the region. By September 2023, we were effectively processing claims for all these rooftops. Prosidium MX is planning to launch an additional two stores by April, strengthening our presence in Mexico.

Furthering our commitment to the market, Prosidium MX is launching with notable industry players such as the Hermer Mercedes Group and the Belden Auto Group. These partnerships further establish our dedication to driving growth and enhancing service quality for our dealer partners across Mexico.

As Prosidium MX continues to expand our presence, we look forward to forming more partnerships with dealers and agents. Our aim is to build lasting relationships that benefit all, with a sharp focus on elevating dealership offerings and improving customer satisfaction throughout Mexico.

For further details about Prosidium MX’s approach to vehicle finance and insurance, and how we are making a difference in the Mexican automotive market, please visit our website at

Spanish Translation

Prosidium Warranty & Capital se enorgullece de anunciar nuestra expansión en México con el lanzamiento de Prosidium MX. Fundado en enero de 2023, Prosidium MX tiene como objetivo transformar el mercado mexicano al ofrecer productos de financiamiento y seguros (F&I), así como soluciones de gestión de patrimonios, diseñados para satisfacer las necesidades únicas de los concesionarios locales y sus clientes.

Nuestra expansión está respaldada por nuestra asociación con Dalton Corporation, la cual ha visto el lanzamiento exitoso de 28 tiendas en la región. Para septiembre de 2023, ya estábamos procesando reclamos de manera efectiva en estos establecimientos. Con planes de lanzar dos tiendas adicionales para abril, estamos construyendo una fuerte presencia en México.

Profundizando nuestro compromiso con el mercado, Prosidium MX se está lanzando con actores importantes de la industria como el Grupo Hermer Mercedes y el Grupo Automotriz Belden. Estas asociaciones refuerzan aún más nuestra dedicación para impulsar el crecimiento y mejorar la calidad del servicio para nuestros socios concesionarios en todo México.

A medida que Prosidium MX continúa expandiendo nuestra presencia, esperamos formar más asociaciones con distribuidores y agentes. Nuestro objetivo es construir relaciones duraderas que beneficien a todos, con un enfoque en elevar las ofertas de los concesionarios y mejorar la satisfacción del cliente en todo México.

Para más detalles sobre el enfoque de Prosidium MX hacia el financiamiento y seguro de vehículos, y cómo estamos marcando la diferencia en el mercado automotriz mexicano, por favor visite nuestro sitio web en

What is an F&I Manager?

An F&I Manager, short for Finance and Insurance Manager, plays a pivotal role within auto dealerships. They are responsible for presenting customers with financing options and insurance products that are related to the purchase of a new or used vehicle. Beyond aiding in financing, their role is crucial in offering products and services that protect the buyer’s vehicle investment over time.

How Do They Protect Customer’s Vehicle Investments?

The financial investment that a customer makes in their car can be protected by a variety of goods and services that are offered by F&I Managers. These products include everything from vehicle service contracts to products that offer lifetime warranties.

Vehicle Service Contracts

Often referred to as third party warranties, vehicle service contracts are one of the primary tools F&I Managers use to protect your vehicle. These contracts extend the warranty period of your vehicle, covering the cost of certain repairs and maintenance beyond the manufacturer’s warranty. This means that if your car faces any mechanical issues after the manufacturer’s warranty expires, a service contract could cover the repair costs, thereby saving you money and extending the life of your vehicle.

GAP Plans

GAP, or Guaranteed Asset Protection, plans are essential, especially if you’re financing your vehicle. If your car is totaled or stolen, there’s often a “gap” between what your insurance will cover and what you still owe on your loan. GAP plans cover this difference, ensuring you’re not out of pocket for a vehicle you no longer have. It’s a critical protection measure that provides immense peace of mind to vehicle owners.

Lifetime Warranties

Some F&I Managers offer lifetime warranties, which are an exceptional way to protect your vehicle investment for as long as the customer owns the vehicle. These warranties usually cover key components of your vehicle for as long as you own it. It’s a long-term investment in your vehicle’s reliability and performance, ensuring that major parts are protected against failure and costly repairs.

RV and Powersports Programs

Protection isn’t just for cars and trucks. F&I Managers also provide specialized products for recreational vehicles (RVs) and powersports vehicles like motorcycles, ATVs, and personal watercraft. These vehicles often require unique insurance products and service contracts due to their specialized nature and the different risks they face. From comprehensive service contracts to specific insurance plans, F&I Managers ensure your leisure vehicles are also protected, allowing you to enjoy your adventures without worry.

The role of an F&I Manager is vital in not just facilitating the purchase of vehicles but in ensuring that customers leave with peace of mind, knowing their investment is protected. Through a variety of tailored products and services, F&I Managers offer custom solutions that safeguard against unforeseen costs and risks that are most relevant to the customer, making them an indispensable part of the vehicle purchasing process. Whether it’s a car, an RV, or a motorcycle, understanding and utilizing the protections offered by an F&I Manager can save money and hassle in the long run.

Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and RV F&I products and wealth-building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development, and compliance training. Prosidium Warranty & Capital has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA.

To learn more, visit us at 

At Prosidium Warranty & Capital, our commitment to enhancing dealership processes is a sincere passion. With a dedication to offering comprehensive, teachable processes and a full suite of F&I products and wealth management solutions, we’re committed to optimizing sales, streamlining operations, and fostering long-term partnerships. Our success is reflected in the success stories of our dealer partners throughout our collaboration, and today we proudly share their testimonials.

Coeur d’Alene Honda: Maximizing Profits with Prosidium Warranty & Capital

Seven years ago, Ken Snyder, the owner of Coeur d’Alene Honda, discovered Prosidium Warranty & Capital while searching for a company to ensure operational efficiencies while maximizing profits at his dealership. Owner Ken Snyder reflects, “We began doing business with Prosidium Warranty & Capital, and it has been the best decision I have ever made.” PWC stood out as the ideal business partner for Coeur d’Alene Honda. Ken Snyder highlights, “Every month, their staff are in my dealership training my sales managers, sales consultants, and F&I staff. The results have exceeded my greatest expectations, leading to record gross profits both front and back end.”

Fletcher Jones Family of Dealerships: Value Alignment & Custom Solutions

Fletcher Jones Family of Dealerships, in their pursuit of a partner for their reinsurance company found that Prosidium Warranty & Capital aligned well with their values as a company. COO Fletcher Jones III notes, “Their customer-centric approach mirrors our values as a company. Also, the ability to collaborate on the design rather than having to take the off the shelf product was important to us.” The result? A successful rollout and a partnership set to achieve continued successes.

Gee Automotive: Building Trust & Expertise in Partnerships

Gee Automotive’s lasting partnership with Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a testament to building trust and achieving shared success. Corporate Director Sam Madison expresses the core of this partnership: “Prosidium Warranty & Capital delivers a comprehensive package that goes beyond traditional automotive product and training services.” A standout feature is the in-dealership training program which provides the knowledge and skills needed for dealerships to thrive in the competitive market. Sam adds, “Prosidium covers all bases ensuring both clients and dealerships are well-supported. With Prosidium, it’s not just about transactions, it’s about building a lasting partnership rooted in trust and expertise,” highlighting the commitment of Prosidium to foster enduring partnerships that promote success for dealerships and customers alike.

Discover Your Success Story with Prosidium Warranty & Capital

Prosidium Warranty & Capital is proud to share these testimonials, reaffirming our commitment to long-term partnerships and promoting dealership success. With a focus on tailored solutions that drive efficiency, profitability, and exceptional customer experiences, we invite you to join our network of successful partnerships. Contact us to learn more about how Prosidium Warranty & Capital can enhance your dealership’s offerings and drive customer satisfaction.

Our sincere thanks to Ken Snyder, Fletcher Jones III, Sam Madison, and all our partners who trust us to be a part of their success stories.

Dealer Partner Testimonial Full Quotes:
  • Ken Snyder (Owner) – Coeur D’Alene Honda

“Seven years ago, we began doing business with Prosidium Warranty & Capital and it has been the best decision I have ever made. Every month their staff are in my Dealership training my sales managers, sales consultants, and F&I staff. The results have exceeded my greatest expectations, leading to record gross profits both front and back end.” 

  • Fletcher Jones III (COO) – Fletcher Jones Family of Dealerships

“We looked at a number of different companies to partner with when starting our reinsurance company. Prosidium Warranty & Capital was absolutely the best fit for us. We feel like their customer-centric approach to the business mirrors our values as a company. Also, the ability to collaborate on the design rather than having to take the off-the-shelf product was important to us. We have been more than pleased with the roll out and partnership and look forward to our continued success.”

  • Sam Madison (Corporate Director) – Gee Automotive

“Prosidium Warranty and Capital delivers a comprehensive package that goes beyond traditional automotive products and training provider services. Their innovative in dealership training program sets them apart, equipping our staff with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in today’s competitive market. From service contract and ancillary product solutions to developing our dealership staff, Prosidium covers all bases, ensuring both clients and dealerships are well supported. With Prosidium, it’s not just about transactions; it’s about building lasting partnerships rooted in trust and expertise.”

Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and RV F&I products and wealth-building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. Prosidium Warranty & Capital has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

To learn more about how Prosidium Warranty & Capital can enhance your dealership’s offerings and drive customer satisfaction, contact us or visit us at 



Advantages of Digital Retailing Tools

The shift from traditional paper-based processes to digital tools is gaining popularity among all industries, automotive finance included. Despite some initial hesitancy, studies highlight the benefits of digital tools in enhancing customer satisfaction, streamlined deal completions, optimized employee workflows, and increased sales efficiency.

Overcoming Industry Skepticism with Digital Solutions

Wolters Kluwer research revealed that 19% of the survey respondents still question the tangible value of these digital tools. A main obstacle to adopting digital tools is the perceived lack of solutions to cater to the diverse needs of dealerships. About 27% of those surveyed had concerns over finding digital tools to align with their specific needs, highlighting a potential gap for digital solutions tailored to the unique challenges faced by those in the auto financing industry.

Enhancing Process Efficiency Through Digitalization

Manual processes are prone to more errors compared to digital processes. Errors in deal jackets can lead to funding delays, harm the dealership’s reputation, and jeopardize customer loyalty. Embracing digital processes has been shown to enhance operational efficiency and can also help protect dealership credibility and financial stability.

Dealerships moving to digital tools report substantial improvements in process efficiency, with 96% of respondents noting that digital solutions expedite customer documentation completion to under 30 minutes.

At Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we understand that different dealerships and groups may have their own unique reasons for choosing one Digital Retailing Tool versus another. Our National Performance Executive team can help assist in understanding the differences, but we have years of experience with most Digital Retailers on the market.

Navigating Challenges in Digital Adoption

Despite hesitancy from some in the industry, digital adoption is on the rise, with high volumes of electronic contracts entering the system. With digital adoption also comes the challenge of security and trust. For successful adoption, it is crucial for digital solutions to not only be reliable and secure but also adaptable to existing workflows at the dealership level. Meeting dealers where they are and offering a flexible approach to digital integration that is also secure, can ease the transition and encourage wider acceptance.

The Road Ahead

While hesitancy and challenges remain, the benefits of digital adoption can’t be discounted, from operational efficiencies to error reduction. As the auto industry continues to evolve digitally, fostering education, trust, and adaptability will be the keys to unlocking the full potential of digital solutions in automotive finance and overall compliance.

Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and RV F&I products and wealth-building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development, and compliance training. Prosidium Warranty & Capital has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA.

To learn more, visit us at

The Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) announcement of the CARS rule caused quite a stir within the auto industry. The FTC Combatting Auto Retail Scams Rule, initially set to take effect on July 30th, 2024, introduces requirements for auto dealership advertising, record-keeping, customer interactions, and the sale of finance and insurance (F&I) products. Aimed at protecting customers from potentially harmful dealership practices, the FTC Cars Rule is an attempt to ensure transparency and fairness in auto transactions.

Industry Opposition

The National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) and the Texas Automobile Dealer Association (TADA), along with numerous dealerships and several lawmakers, have voiced concerns over the rule’s impacts on customers. They are concerned that the added complexity, time, and paperwork could detract from the customer experience rather than improve it. Additionally, it’s argued that the FTC failed to complete basic regulatory safeguards to ensure the rule’s effectiveness.

In response, efforts have been made to contest the rule’s enforcement, with the NADA and the TADA filing a legal challenge in January to postpone the rule’s implementation. This challenge was successful, with the FTC announcing on January 18th that they would pause the CARS Rule effective date while the Fifth Circuit reviews the rule.

NADA Stance and Legal Challenge

NADA opposes the rule because it believes that while consumer protection is crucial, this specific rule may complicate the car-buying process and not provide the promised value to customers. They emphasize the need for a compromise that doesn’t sacrifice efficiency or the customer experience. The legal challenge and delay highlight the pushback from the industry and the complexities when it comes to regulation in the automotive space.

The FTC Redo Act

While the CARS Rule has been postponed, the law may still go into effect later if legislators aren’t able to pass the FTC Redo Act. The FTC Review of Expensive and Detrimental Overregulation Act, if passed, would introduce a new layer of safeguards for the FTC before enacting similar rules:

      • Public Discourse: Issuing an advanced notice of proposed rulemaking for public comments.

      • Research: Quantitative studies on auto retailing to inform rulemaking.

      • Consumer Product Testing: Evaluating how proposed rules affect consumer understanding and decisions.

      • Economic Analysis: Providing cost-benefit analysis based on real data to justify implementation.

    What This Means for Auto Dealers

    For dealers, staying informed and proactive is crucial. The changing regulatory landscape requires a thorough grasp of both the potential changes that the FTC Cars Rule could bring and the FTC Redo Act. Dealerships should consider:

        • Preparing for Compliance: Understanding the specifics of the CARS Rule and beginning to prepare for necessary changes if the rule is to stay as is.

        • Engaging in Dialogue: Participating in industry discussions and providing feedback during the public comment periods can help shape the future of auto retail regulations.

        • Monitoring Developments: Staying on top of legal and legislative developments will be key for strategic planning.

      While aimed at protecting consumers, the FTC Cars Rule prompts a broader conversation about the balance between consumer protection and operational efficiency. As the industry navigates these changes, adaptability and engagement with the regulatory process will be vital to thriving in the auto retail landscape.

      As the year continues, the automotive industry in the United States presents a fascinating landscape in terms of new-vehicle inventory levels. After disruptions caused by the pandemic, the automotive industry is navigating the road through recovery and adaptation. We’ll look at the current state of new-vehicle inventories and what the future holds, building on recent analysis by Cox Automotive and Cloud Theory.

      Current Inventory Levels

      According to Cox Automotive’s analysis, the end of 2023 saw an increase in new-vehicle inventories. The total U.S. supply of unsold new vehicles closed the year at approximately 2.66 million units. This was about 50% higher than the previous year, indicating a solid recovery from the pandemic-induced lows. Despite a mid-month peak of 2.73 million units, strong December sales pulled the inventory numbers back down slightly. While the volume of vehicles was higher, the days’ supply (the estimated time it would take to sell the current inventory) decreased from 73 to 70 days.

      Future Projections by Cloud Theory

      The data analytics firm Cloud Theory offers an optimistic forecast for 2024. New-vehicle inventories are expected to continue reaching post-pandemic highs. The firm predicts that the average monthly new-vehicle count could increase to 3 million. However, these numbers, while impressive, are still projected to fall short of pre-pandemic levels. This shortfall is primarily attributed to financial challenges among Tier 2 and Tier 3 suppliers, which continue to negatively impact the supply chain.

      Rick Wainschel of Cloud Theory notes that supply chain disruptions, although less prominent than before, persist and limit production capacity. This issue will continue to influence inventory strategies across the industry. Incentives are expected to continue increasing as dealers and automakers navigate a landscape of growing supply and stagnant consumer demand.

      Electric Vehicles: A Rising Segment

      Last year saw significant growth in electric vehicle (EV) inventories. In 2023, the EV share in dealership lots will represent 7.6% of available vehicles, up from 5.9% in 2022. For 2024, industry experts predict the year will see increased incentives, infrastructure, leasing opportunities, and products. While inventories are up, several automakers are reevaluating and adjusting their EV strategies as they wait for consumer demand to catch up with EV inventory availability, infrastructure, and diagnostics.

      The U.S. auto industry’s inventory landscape is shaping up to be a mix of recovery, adaptation, and strategic maneuvering. While new-vehicle inventories are rising, they are still grappling with the ripple effects of the past few years. The increased inventories and the expected rise in incentives reflect an industry in transition, responding to changing market dynamics and consumer trends. As these trends unfold, they will offer valuable insights into the future direction of the automotive sector.

      The time has come to announce our eagerly awaited debut at the 2024 National Auto Dealers Association (NADA) Show, marking a significant milestone in our team’s journey. After celebrating 15 years of growth and international expansion, we are ready to welcome a new era. Principal Warranty Corp. is now Prosidium Warranty & Capital – a reimagined name and logo that embodies our continued commitment to our foundational mission; providing processes and products that customers can trust and service they’ll come back for.

      Reason for the Change

      Our new identity, Prosidium Warranty & Capital, expresses our continued commitment to provide our improved processes, comprehensive suite of F&I products, and wealth management solutions for dealers, agents, and contract holders across the nation and beyond. Our name captures both the security (“Warranty”) and growth potential (“Capital”) that we offer our clients. Our new name is derived from the Latin word “Praesidium,” which means defense, protection, and guardianship, representing our dedication to protecting and enhancing the interests of dealer groups and contract holders alike.

      What This Means for Our Clients

      A Seamless Transition: Our rebranding has been crafted to ensure a smooth transition with minimal to no impact on our ongoing client interactions. Our Prosidium Warranty & Capital branding is now showcased on all brand materials and communications, with our core services remaining unchanged in their dependability.

      Continuous Accessibility: Our digital presence is evolving too. Visit our new website at or if in South America for the latest updates. Our existing website will redirect visitors to our new U.S. domain, maintaining a simple online experience for clients and contract holders.

      Ease in Communication: Despite our name now being Prosidium Warranty & Capital, our email addresses remain the same, upholding our commitment to ease and accessibility for all existing and future clients.
      Feel free to contact us with any questions regarding our rebranding.

      Our Growth Story

      Team Expansion: Our team has grown significantly since the company’s inception in 2009, with the establishment of offices in Washington, Arizona, and Mexico, all with the goal of better serving our expanding client base.

      International Expansion: We are now an international entity, with our expansion in Mexico marking our start in global markets. As we continue to grow, we are actively exploring new markets. Stay tuned for additional updates on our expansion efforts.

      Diverse Wealth Management: Prosidium Warranty & Capital now offers an even broader range of wealth management solutions, uniquely tailored to meet your group’s or dealership’s evolving needs.

      Advanced Training: Our team of experts ensures cutting-edge expertise in wealth management solutions and sales training.

      Tailored Products: We’re dedicated to co-creating products that uniquely cater to the group’s needs, ensuring dealers and customers are properly taken care of.

      Evolving with the Times

      Market Adaptation: We are continually refining our services to best align with current market trends and unique client expectations.

      Enhanced Client Support: Our expanded team allows us to offer more personalized and efficient support to dealer groups and policyholders. Short hold times continue to be a top priority, regardless of our company’s growth.

      Innovative Solutions: We are committed to providing innovative solutions in both our product offerings and in the way we serve our clients.

      Data Protection and Reporting: Protecting client and policyholder data is central to our operations. Security and technology are at the forefront of our development, providing us with new avenues for securely reporting data to clients.

      The Road Ahead

      This evolution showcases our strong portfolio, signifying our journey of growth, our readiness to embrace changing market dynamics, and our commitment to excellence in serving your business and customers. As Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we are excited to embark on this new chapter, promising enhanced services, innovative solutions, and an international presence.
      Join us this week, February 1st–4th, at NADA at Booth #6818N. Our team is excited to discuss how Prosidium Warranty & Capital can help elevate your dealership’s offerings and drive customer satisfaction moving forward.

      We would like to extend a special thank you to a few of our Dealer partners; Gee Automotive, Fletcher Jones Family of Dealerships, and Swickard Automotive, who worked with us to ensure a smooth transition as Prosidium Warranty & Capital. We look forward to growing together in this exciting new chapter.

      Thank You All for Being Part of Our Journey.

      When it comes to protecting your vehicle, placing all your trust in a manufacturer’s warranty might not provide you with the coverage you truly want. Recognizing this gap, Prosidium Warranty & Capital presents an innovative solution: Wear Shield. 

      This maintenance coverage aims to provide you with an extra layer of protection for essential driving components such as tires, brake pads, and brake rotors, ensuring your peace of mind while on the road.   

      Tailored Coverage for Your Needs: 

      Wear Shield offers three distinct tiers of coverage, allowing you, as a customer, to choose the level of protection that aligns with your preferences and your vehicle’s specific requirements. Whether you need protection for two or four tires, front or rear brake pads, or front brake rotors, Wear Shield has you covered. This tailored approach ensures that you only pay for necessary coverage while still receiving coverage where it matters most to you. 

      Unveiling Benefits: 

          1. Tire Coverage: Your tires are your vehicle’s connection to the road, and Wear Shield knows their importance. With this coverage, you’ll be shielded against unexpected punctures, blowouts, and other tire-related mishaps that could otherwise lead to unexpected costs. 

            1. Brake Pad Protection: Brake pads are crucial for ensuring your safety while driving. Wear Shield’s coverage encompasses both front and rear brake pads, depending on your coverage tier, assuring you a smooth and secure braking experience without the worry of unforeseen expenses.  

              1. Brake Rotor Assurance: Brake rotors play a crucial role in your vehicle’s braking system. Wear Shield’s comprehensive coverage extends to your front brake rotors, so you can drive knowing that your braking components are well protected.  

            24-Hour Roadside Assistance: 

            With 24-hour roadside assistance, we can assure you that you’re taken care of no matter the scenario, whether you need towing, a flat tire repair, emergency gas delivery, a battery jump, or key lockout service. Regardless of predicament, Prosidium Wear Shield makes sure you’re covered, allowing you to drive with confidence.  

            Prosidium Wear Shield goes beyond the limits of traditional warranties by focusing on the critical components that directly impact your driving experience. With tailored coverage options and protection for tires, brake pads, and rotors, Wear Shield has your back every mile of the journey.  

            Contact us to learn more about our full-service vehicle contracts and how they can help you. Don’t forget that at Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we want you to drive with confidence and peace of mind.  

            Program coverage and access vary by state. See details on our product page. 

            Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth-building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

            Every 40.9 seconds, a vehicle is stolen in the United States, with over 720,000 drivers becoming victims each year. It is critical to protect your vehicle so that your investment does not become a total loss if it’s stolen. In this post, we’ll explain what Prosidium Theft Shield is, why it is useful, and what extra benefits come with this theft protection plan.

            What is Prosidium Theft Shield?

            Prosidium Theft Shield is an anti-theft system that can be installed on both new and used vehicles to help prevent theft. If your vehicle is stolen and declared a total loss, Prosidium Theft Shield pays out a cash benefit to the agreement holder as well as a cash benefit from the original seller towards the purchase of a replacement vehicle.

            Why is Anti-Theft Protection Valuable?

            Prosidium Theft Shield ensures that even if your vehicle is stolen, you can go about your daily life with less stress. While everyone wishes to avoid theft, it is a sad reality in today’s world. To avoid losing something you worked hard for, it is important to protect your valuable investment ahead of time. With an anti-theft system and additional measures, Prosidium Theft Shield can help get you back on the road if your vehicle is stolen.

            Additional Benefits Include:

              • Travel Allowance: Prosidium Theft Shield goes the extra mile by helping to cover expenses for meals and lodging when you find yourself over 200 miles away from home. This ensures that you won’t find yourself stranded without a place to sleep or a meal.
              • Airfare Allowance: If you have traveled over 200 miles from home and an urgent return home is needed, Prosidium Theft Shield can help cover flight costs.
              • Rental Car Allowance: Should you find yourself stranded and in need of a rental car, Prosidium Theft shield steps in if your primary insurance doesn’t cover it. Your mobility remains uninterrupted.
              • Flexible Terms: Tailoring your coverage to your needs is simple with Prosidium Theft Shield. You have the freedom to choose a term length that suits you, ranging from 1 year to 7 years.
              • No Deductibles or Co-Pays: Prosidium Theft Shield’s commitment to your peace of mind extends to your wallet. You won’t have to fret about out-of-pocket charges coming from deductibles or co-pays. *Prosidium Warranty & Capital pays up to $1,000 towards your insurance co-pay.*
              • Transferable Coverage: Adding to its appeal, Prosidium Theft Shield offers transferable coverage. If you decide to sell your vehicle before the term length is up, you can transfer the remaining coverage over to the new owner. This can increase the overall sale value of your vehicle and instill confidence in the next owner.

              Prosidium Theft Shield protects your vehicle, allowing you to enjoy it without fear of theft or unexpected expenses. Drive with assurance, knowing that Prosidium Theft Shield has your back if the unthinkable occurs.

              Program coverage and access vary by state. See details on our product page.

              Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth-building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. Prosidium Warranty & Capital has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA.

              To learn more, visit us at

              As the temperature drops and snowflakes start to blanket the roads, the age-old question resurfaces: should you switch to winter tires, or are all-season tires sufficient? Understanding the differences between these two types of tires is crucial for safe driving in cold, snowy, and icy conditions.

              All-Season Tires: The Jack of All Trades

              All-season tires are designed to offer a balanced performance in various driving conditions – be it dry, wet, or light snow. They are crafted to provide a smooth, quiet ride, decent tread life, and fuel efficiency. The tread pattern of all-season tires is typically more uniform and less aggressive, which contributes to their versatility.

              However, when it comes to handling thick snow and ice, all-season tires may fall short. Their tread rubber typically hardens at low temperatures, reducing their grip and traction. For those living in regions with mild winters, all-season tires could be a practical choice. But in areas with severe winter conditions, they might not be the best option.

              Winter Tires: Masters of the Ice and Snow

              Winter tires, on the other hand, are specifically engineered for cold weather, snow, and ice. They are made with a softer rubber compound that remains flexible in low temperatures, ensuring better traction and grip. The tread design is deeper and more aggressive, with unique patterns and sipes (tiny slits) that bite into snow and ice, providing superior handling.

              The difference becomes most apparent when braking. Winter tires significantly reduce stopping distances on snowy and icy surfaces compared to all-season tires. This can be a critical factor in avoiding accidents during the winter months.

              Why Switch to Winter Tires?

              1. Enhanced Safety: The superior grip and traction of winter tires translate to better control and shorter stopping distances, reducing the risk of accidents in harsh winter conditions.
              2. Improved Performance: Winter tires deliver optimal performance in temperatures below 45°F (7°C), even on dry pavement.
              3. Prevention of Sliding and Skidding: The specialized tread design of winter tires helps prevent the terrifying experience of sliding or skidding on icy roads.

              When to Make the Switch

              It’s generally recommended to switch to winter tires when the temperature consistently falls below 45°F (7°C). This is when all-season tires begin to lose effectiveness. Also, consider the typical weather patterns in your area – if you regularly face heavy snowfall and icy conditions, winter tires are a must.


              While all-season tires are a convenient choice for year-round use in milder climates, winter tires are indispensable for safe driving in snowy and icy conditions. An investment in a set of winter tires is an investment in your safety and peace of mind during the winter months. Remember, when it comes to tackling winter roads, the right tires can make all the difference.

              As the U.S. braces for below-average winter temperatures, it’s crucial for vehicle owners, including those with warranties, to be prepared. Winter brings not just colder weather but also more challenging driving conditions. To help protect yourself from unwanted troubles during this season, here’s an easy-to-understand checklist to prepare your vehicle for winter driving conditions:

              1. Check Your Tires

              Traction is Key: With roads becoming slippery due to ice, rain, and slush, good tire traction is vital to a safe journey.

              Tread and Snow Tires: Inspect your tire tread depth, and depending on your region, consider switching over to winter tires.

              Rotation and Replacement: Regularly rotate your tires and replace them if the tread is worn out to ensure there’s adequate traction.

              2. Ensure Visibility

              Lighting and Windshield: Regularly check on your car’s headlights, taillights, windshield, and wiper blades to ensure visibility.

              Wiper Fluid and Deicer: Ensure you have enough wiper fluid for the season. In frostier areas, a deicer can be a lifesaver.

              3. Protect Vehicle Exterior

              Clean and Wax: Remove any residue from previous seasons. A full-body wash followed by wax can safeguard your vehicle against the snow and road salt.

              Surface Protection Coating: Prosidium’s surface protection coating works great for both interior and exterior surface protection as the weather conditions shift.

              4. Check Oil

              Cold Weather Impact: Lower temperatures can hinder a car’s oil flow, affecting engine warm-up time.

              Regular Checks and Changes: Keep an eye on your oil level. Change it as needed to prevent future breakdowns and costly repairs.

              Remember, being proactive with your vehicle maintenance not only ensures a safer driving experience but also helps in maintaining the validity of your car warranty. Stay warm and drive safe this winter!

              The Dealer Sentiment Index Survey for Q4 showed that interest rates, the economy, and market conditions were major factors holding back dealership business in Q4. In the auto industry, staying informed and navigating these challenges is crucial for maintaining dealership success. Recent developments from the Federal Reserve hint that borrowing costs may decrease, easing some pressure in 2024. Let’s look into the latest findings from Cox Automotive‘s Dealer Sentiment Index Survey and Automotive News on the Federal Reserve’s policy decisions to provide an understanding of what industry personnel are seeing with dealership conditions coming into 2024.

              Interest Rates: A Primary Concern in Auto Sales

              One factor that has cast a shadow over dealership conditions is climbing interest rates. Cox Automotive’s survey revealed that 73% of franchised dealers have singled out interest rates as a main concern for their business. The repercussions of rising interest rates have been felt among dealerships and consumers alike. Higher borrowing costs have led many potential car buyers to rethink their vehicle purchases, opting for leases or keeping their current vehicles for longer.

              Cox Automotive Sentiment Index Survey Results:
              Economic Factors Influencing Auto Dealerships

              The state of the economy is another critical factor for dealerships, with 56% of survey participants expressing concern. Factors such as inflation, the increasing cost of living, and consumer confidence are negatively impacting dealerships. These fluctuating economic conditions directly impact the buying power of target customers, impacting dealership revenue.

              Addressing Market Challenges in the Auto Industry

              Despite improvements in inventory since the pandemic, this and other market pressures continue to be a challenge for dealership businesses. In Cox Automotive’s survey, 46% of franchised dealers identified market conditions as a pressing issue for their dealership. From supply chain and inventory disruptions to the ever-shifting political climate, dealerships must find ways to remain flexible and profitable in the face of these ongoing issues.

              Potential End of Rate Hikes

              The Federal Reserve’s recent decision to keep interest rates steady has sparked discussions on the impact on car buyers and dealerships. The implication from the Federal Reserve is that there may not be a need for additional rate hikes under the current economic conditions. Almost all 19 Fed officials projected that by the end of 2024, the policy rate will be lower than what it was at the end of Q4 in 2023. Statista shows median rates dropping below 5% by December 2024, with further rate cuts predicted for 2025. No officials foresee the rates being higher. This would reduce borrowing costs for consumers through 2024, offering better outcomes for potential car buyers, auto sales, and dealership operations.

              Enhancing Customer Engagement in Auto Sales

              In a changing economic landscape, the role of customer engagement and effective sales strategies becomes even more critical. Dealerships should strive to provide added value to customers, possibly through promotional offers or incentives that help offset the impact of higher interest rates, invoice prices, and MSRP. Building trust and delivering exceptional service are keys to standing out in a competitive market. Keeping up to date with economic trends and market shifts is equally critical for seizing new opportunities.

              Preparing for the Future in the Automotive Dealership Industry

              The automotive dealership industry is at a critical point, facing various economic factors and market conditions. The potential end of rate hikes brings hope for a more stable future. Dealerships that remain informed, adaptable, and customer-focused are well-equipped to navigate these challenges and thrive in the 2024 landscape.

              Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth-building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

              To learn more, visit us at

              The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that the CARS Rule will take effect on July 30th, 2024. The CARS Rule places specific requirements for auto dealership advertising, record-keeping, customer interactions, and the sale of finance and insurance (F&I) products. While the FTC believes this rule will protect consumers from potentially harmful dealership practices, Automotive News  reports it has faced opposition from the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA), dealerships, and some lawmakers. Let’s go over the key aspects of the CARS Rule, the concerns raised by NADA, and the potential avenues the industry is looking at to block the rule.

              Understanding the CARS Rule

              The FTC commissioners unanimously approved the CARS Rule, which aims to address problems that the FTC believes prolong the car-buying process and cost consumers billions of dollars annually. The FTC CARS Rule sets specific guidelines for auto dealerships in several critical areas:


                  • It prohibits the misrepresentation of material information such as price, financing, and add-ons.

                  • It requires dealers to clearly disclose the offering price—the actual price to pay for the car—excluding only the required government charges.

                  • Consumers cannot be charged for add-ons that don’t offer a benefit to them.

                  • Requires dealers to get informed consent from consumers prior to charging them for anything.

                NADA’s Concerns and Opposition

                NADA CEO Mike Stanton has voiced strong opposition to the CARS Rule, labeling it an overreach that adds complexity and unnecessary disclosure requirements to vehicle transactions. Stanton argues that these changes would lead to increased expenses and transaction times for consumers, undermining the auto sales process. NADA is actively seeking ways to prevent the CARS Rule from taking effect and is exploring various avenues to achieve this.

                NADA’s Course of Action

                NADA is looking at several options to challenge the CARS Rule, including discussions with lawmakers for a legislative solution. The FTC has dismissed feedback from both NADA and lawmakers, but NADA is adamant about finding a solution to the CARS rule prior to implementation.

                Congress has introduced two bills seeking to block the enforcement of the CARS Rule. Congress introduced these bills before the FTC finalized the rule, proposing conditions that must be met before enforcing it. One option is the “Review of Expensive and Detrimental Overregulation Act,” introduced in the Senate, which calls for quantitative research into the benefits to consumers and necessity of regulations such as the CARS rule. The Congressional Review Act offers another way for lawmakers to overturn the rule. If both the Senate and House pass resolutions opposing the CARS Rule and President Joe Biden signs off, the rule would be repealed, preventing the FTC from enforcing a similar rule in the future.

                NADA is also considering going through the courts to challenge the CARS Rule. One legal point of contention is whether the FTC followed the legal process in establishing the rule. The categorization of the CARS Rule as a trade regulation rule enables the FTC to impose civil penalties for violations. However, trade regulation rulemaking typically takes longer and requires advance notice of proposed rulemaking. The FTC began at the notice stage and did not give the advance notice requirement for feedback and consumer protection when proposing the CARS Rule in 2022.

                FTC’s Response

                The FTC maintains that the CARS Rule is legal under the Dodd-Frank Act, specifically citing the Administrative Procedure Act’s informal notice-and-comment procedure. The FTC argues that it has been in contact with stakeholders for over a decade to address industry behavior and that the rule is necessary to protect consumers.

                The FTC’s Combating Auto Retail Scams Rule introduces changes and regulations for auto dealerships, impacting various aspects of operations. NADA and some lawmakers oppose the rule, citing concerns about added complexity and disclosure requirements that could harm consumers. Auto dealerships seeking to block or challenge the CARS Rule have multiple options, including pursuing legislative remedies, using the Congressional Review Act, or exploring other legal avenues. As the CARS Rule’s effective date approaches, the automotive industry will closely monitor developments and potential actions taken by NADA and Congress.

                Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and RV F&I products and wealth-building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development, and compliance training. Prosidium Warranty & Capital has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                To learn more, visit us at 

                As we near the final stretch of 2023, the automotive industry sits at a crossroads, adapting to the transformative shifts that have marked the year. From the accelerating focus on vehicle technologies to the impact of online platforms on car sales, the automotive landscape is evolving. Let’s explore the key trends that have helped define the industry this year and are set to continue into the new year.

                Emerging Technologies and Autonomous Driving

                Emerging technologies are transforming the automotive industry, giving drivers the choice to be as connected or disconnected from their vehicles as they like. The continuous improvement of autonomous driving technology is looking to provide drivers with varying levels of control over their vehicles’ movements. Simultaneously, other technologies facilitate connections between car owners and their vehicles. Cars continue to become more technologically advanced, with some equipped with their own apps and other tech modes. Technological innovation is paving the way for a more interconnected and dynamic driving experience.

                The Online Revolution in Car Buying

                A shift towards online research and shopping has been reshaping industries for the past decade, and the automotive sector is no exception. The pandemic acted as a catalyst, triggering a surge in online sales that has persisted even as restrictions eased. In 2023, 81% of dealers want salespeople to have the option to use digital tools to help connect with shoppers, and 91% of shoppers would like the option to interact digitally at the dealership. Following the likes of Carvana and Vroom as online vehicle selling platforms, Hyundai has taken steps to become the first automaker to utilize Amazon, with the pilot program beginning in January 2024. The industry will wait to see if the partnership is successful as the industry continues to introduce digital tools and dealers face the prospect of adjusting to operational changes in the car-buying experience.

                Heightened Car Prices and Interest Rates

                A persistent challenge facing both dealers and consumers has been the upward trajectory of vehicle prices coupled with elevated federal interest rates. Despite some improvement in vehicle affordability compared to 2022, the industry is still facing a lingering gap between inventory and consumer preferences, which was worsened by the pandemic and UAW strikes. As we step into 2024, the industry anticipates strategies from automakers aimed at bridging the divide and making vehicles more accessible to a broader market. Finding solutions that balance quality, affordability, and consumer demand will be paramount in the year ahead.

                The Rise of Hybrids and Electric Vehicles

                In 2023, the global call for cleaner, more sustainable transportation took center stage, with EVs and hybrids accounting for 16% of light vehicle sales in the United States by the second quarter. Governments and consumers seem to be shifting towards EVs, but the industry finds itself at a critical juncture. The swift pace of EV production raises valid concerns, with some fearing it might outstrip the development of necessary infrastructure and consumer acceptance of EVs over traditional gas-powered vehicles. As we enter 2024, the industry must navigate the delicate balance between production, infrastructure, and consumer readiness.

                Key Takeaways

                Emerging technologies, the digital revolution in car buying, affordability challenges, and the increasing prominence of EVs and hybrids are driving the automotive industry towards an exciting journey into 2024. Yet, as we look forward, it’s crucial to acknowledge that the market is subject to unpredictability, and we can never truly predict the road ahead. Buckle up as the industry steers towards a future where innovation and adaptability help redefine the driving experience.

                The electric vehicle (EV) industry saw a notable boost in the third quarter of 2023. According to Automotive News, EV registrations once again rose year-over-year, reaching a 7.4% share in the United States. From January to September 2023, vehicle registrations hit 854,904, putting them on track to surpass one million EV registrations for the first time by the end of the year. Notably, Tesla continues to dominate the EV market with 57.4% of EV registrations, while Chevrolet (5.9%), Ford (5.5%), and Hyundai (4.8%) trail behind.

                Despite this growth, analysts have warned that the rate of consumer acceptance, EV diagnostics, and infrastructure is not keeping up with the rapid increase in availability. This raises concerns about the sustainability of the current growth trend and has led several industry leaders to adjust their EV rollout strategies. General Motors, which had initially committed to producing 400,000 EVs by mid-2024, has changed course, taking a more measured approach to align with the movement of the consumer market. Similarly, Ford adjusted its production targets but remains committed to reaching an ambitious 8% profit margin on EVs within the next three years.

                While approaches are changing, major automakers remain optimistic about their EV investments. As we continue to see year-over-year EV registration growth and more clean car rules pass in the states and around the world, electric vehicles seem to be the current push for the automotive market’s future. New Jersey is the latest U.S. state of at least ten others that have adopted California’s Clean Car II regulations. This set of regulations sets forth eager EV and plug-in hybrid goals for the next decade.

                Despite the state’s obvious push for EVs, the New Jersey Coalition of Automotive Retailers has stated that they are unhappy with the state’s decision as it restricts consumer choice and threatens the new car market. Similarly, over 4,000 dealerships across the United States sent a letter to President Biden urging him to reconsider an EPA proposal from earlier this year that could push for over 60 percent of new vehicle sales to be battery-powered by 2032.

                The year 2023 has been a turning point for the EV industry, with growth, policy adoptions and discussions, and strategic adjustments. The global push for clean car regulations signals a transformative shift towards EVs, but challenges persist in aligning current production, diagnostics, and infrastructure capabilities with consumer demand. As industry leaders navigate this changing landscape, the electrification of the automotive market depends on a deliberate and balanced rollout to ensure a sustainable and consumer-driven future.

                As electric vehicles (EV) gain traction on our roads, so do concerns about the diagnostic capabilities of EVs when problems arise. Steering through these issues can be a source of frustration for EV owners and independent repair facilities. This blog explores the critical need for a standardized diagnostic system in EVs and how industry standards are paving the way for a standardized diagnostic system by 2026. 

                Diagnostic Dilemma for EVs

                A common complaint in the EV consumer and mechanic space is the lack of clear and standardized diagnostic systems when the vehicles encounter problems. EVs often leave owners and repair facilities in the dark about what the cause of an issue is, unlike traditional gas- and diesel-powered engines, which have standard diagnostic abilities. The diagnostic differences not only complicate the repair process but also hinder long-term fixes that could be found if a root cause could be easily found.

                Gas and diesel engines benefit from standardized diagnostic systems that can easily spot powertrain problems, among other issues, with a generic scanner. Industry standards for gas-powered vehicles make it easy to find faults and fix the issues quickly.  In the EV landscape, a similar standard is crucial for the industry’s future growth and customer satisfaction. The absence of a standard keeps the repair centers from quickly and accurately identifying issues, and it also makes it harder for manufacturers to provide guidance for timely fixes.

                California’s Role in the Future of EV Diagnostics

                California, often at the forefront of environmental efforts, is also taking the lead in setting the standards for EV diagnostics. The California Advanced Clean Cars II regulation is leading the push towards zero emissions, and with that comes a need for a complete diagnostic framework for EVs. The overall aim is clear: to ensure that independent repair facilities have access to the same onboard diagnostics as franchised repair facilities by 2026. By demanding functions such as vehicle speed, odometer reading, state of charge, and cell voltage accessibility through a generic handheld scanner, it is promoting a more efficient and handy repair landscape for EVs as more make their way to the roads.

                As electric cars continue to gain popularity, the road to reliable diagnostics is still underway. The absence of standardized diagnostic power has created a bumpy journey for EV owners, repair facilities, and their efficacy. By setting up clear standards and ensuring convenience across the board by 2026, the EV industry can drive towards a future where diagnosing and fixing issues becomes as simple as it is with our standard gas vehicles. It is time to bridge the diagnostic gap and move towards a more efficient and user-friendly EV landscape.

                Your RV’s windshield plays a crucial role in keeping you and your fellow travelers safe by shielding you from the elements outside. Windshield damage is quite common, and fixing the damage quickly is important for your safety. That’s where Prosidium RV Safety Shield comes in, offering comprehensive coverage for windshield repairs to ensure you can hit the road in your RV with the peace of mind that your windshield is well-guarded against harm.

                Windshield Damage Prevention and Repairs:

                Prosidium RV Safety Shield goes the extra mile to safeguard your RV’s windshield by applying a special treatment that wards off cracks, chips, stars, and sand pitting. This water-resistant treatment not only helps prevent snow and ice buildup but also reduces glare, enhancing your RV’s visibility. If any damage occurs and it’s less than 6 inches, a licensed repair facility steps in to restore your windshield’s strength, ensuring top-notch workmanship.

                Why Choose Prosidium RV Safety Shield?


                    1. Complete Protection: RV Safety Shield offers coverage for a wide range of windshield issues, including cracks, chips, stars, and sand pitting. It ensures that your windshield stays in optimal condition, assuring your safety on the road.

                    1. No Deductibles: With no deductibles, you don’t have to worry about any unexpected out-of-pocket costs when it comes to maintaining the integrity of your RV’s windshield.

                    1. Transferable Coverage: RV Safety Shield gives you the flexibility to transfer any leftover coverage to a new owner if you decide to sell your RV before the plan is up. This feature adds value and peace of mind to both you and future owners.

                    1. Cost Savings: By covering windshield repair and replacement and getting rid of deductibles, RV Safety Shield helps you save money in the long run. This allows you to drive with confidence, knowing you won’t bear the financial burden of windshield repair.

                  Windshield Protection with Prosidium RV Safety Shield:

                  Windshield damage is a common occurrence when you’re out on the road. With comprehensive windshield protection, no deductibles, transferable coverage, and cost savings, Prosidium RV Safety Shield is the ultimate solution for safeguarding your windshield. Drive with confidence, knowing that your windshield is shielded from the hazards of the road.

                  Contact us to learn more about our full-service vehicle contracts and how they can help you. Don’t forget that at Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we want you to drive with confidence and peace of mind.

                  Program coverage and access vary by state. See details on our product page.

                  Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth-building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. Prosidium Warranty & Capital has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA.

                  To learn more, visit us at 

                  The open road becomes your playground when you live the RV lifestyle, and adventure awaits around every corner. Unexpected mishaps, however, can turn a dream trip into a financial nightmare. This is where RV Gap comes to the rescue.

                  Prosidium RV Gap:

                  RV Gap, also known as Guaranteed Asset Protection, is a protection plan tailored to shield RV owners from draining their wallets in the event of theft, irreparable damage, or a declared total loss under the insurance policy. It serves as a safety net, paying the difference between the total loss insurance payout and the balance on your RV loan.

                  Why Do You Need RV Gap?

                      1. Debt Cancelation: While your insurance may cover some of your RV’s value in the case of theft or a total loss, there’s often a gap between their payout and what you still owe. RV Gap steps in to bridge this gap, canceling your debt so you’re not left with an unexpected financial burden.
                      2. Credit Rating Protection: Your credit score is important, and defaulting on a large RV loan could have big consequences. With RV Gap, you can rest easy knowing that even with a total loss, your credit rating can remain intact, allowing you to preserve your financial stability.
                      3. Preserve RV Value: RVs are a big investment, and their value can depreciate quickly. RV Gap makes sure that you can walk away from a total loss without worrying about finances. This way, you can plan for your next RV adventure knowing your RV’s value is safeguarded.
                      4. Get Rid of Financial Worry: Coping with the loss of your RV is hard enough without the added worry of financial concerns. RV Gap helps you recover faster and get back on the road for your next adventure.
                    Safeguarding your RV Investment with Prosidium RV Gap:

                    RV Gap is a crucial safety net for RV owners to provide peace of mind and financial security in the face of unforeseen accidents or theft. It cancels your debt, protects your credit rating, preserves your RV’s value, and eliminates the worries associated with potential financial burdens. Do not let a total loss or theft of your RV derail your plans. Invest in Prosidium RV Gap and hit the road with confidence, knowing you’re protected every mile of the way.

                    Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive vehicle service contracts and how they can benefit you. Remember, at Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we’re committed to keeping you on the road with confidence and peace of mind.

                    Program coverage and availability vary by state. See product details on our product page.

                    Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric organization that prides itself on providing and administrating automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth-building programs with an exceptional customer service experience for dealers, agents, and contract holders nationwide. Our full suite of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusionary and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC is located north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                    For more information, visit our website at

                    In 2022, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) introduced its Motor Vehicle Dealers Trade Regulation Rule. This aimed to combat deceptive dealership practices and restrict certain financial and insurance (F&I) coverages and other vehicle add-ons.

                    If the proposed Motor Vehicle Dealers Trade Regulation Rule becomes law, it will bring in a series of changes in the disclosure and consent process for F&I products and non-manufacturer vehicle add-ons. This bill requires more clarity in dealerships’ statements when it comes to financing, and dealerships will be compelled to provide customers with a true “offering price” for any promoted vehicle, among several other changes.

                    Critics of the proposal have argued that it adds extra paperwork and costs to consumers and small business dealers during the buying process. The Center for Automotive Research presented data suggesting that if the FTC’s original rule goes into effect, it would increase the vehicle purchase time by two hours.

                    In response to these concerns, Senators Jerry Moran and Joe Manchin launched the “FTC Redo Act,” which seeks to revamp the original FTC proposal. This new plan would make it so that regulators will need to seek out feedback from both the public and industry leaders before finalizing any rule. They must also conduct consumer testing and cost-benefit analyses prior to applying a rule. These measures are designed to hold them accountable, ensuring the laws they create aren’t redundant and align with the needs of the people.

                    The National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) has been a vocal supporter of this new bill. They claim the original FTC proposal failed to complete basic regulatory safeguards. NADA is actively advocating for more members of Congress to support this bill.

                    This updated bill carries the potential to help build trust between customers and dealerships. With increased transparency in the rule-making process and data-driven information leading these changes, customers can feel more secure. By having more accountability and specificity in the law, it makes it much easier for dealer groups to adhere to the rules.

                    There is a lot of uncertainty in the day-to-day life of a vehicle owner. Unforeseen accidents and vehicle theft might leave you upset and stressed while you have to bear the financial burden. With Prosidium Auto Gap, we carry that burden by filling the gap that’s often left behind by insurance policies.

                    Coverage with Prosidium Auto Gap:

                    While the insurance company usually pays the actual cash value of your vehicle at the time of loss, you’re liable for the difference between that and the balance on your auto loan. Auto Gap is coverage for new and used vehicles, so if your vehicle gets stolen or totaled, the gap between the depreciated value of the car and the remaining amount owed is covered by us.

                    Prosidium Auto Gap Benefits:

                        1. Debt Cancelation: While your insurance may cover some of your vehicle’s value in the case of theft or a total loss, the gap between their payout and what you still owe is your responsibility. Auto Gap steps in to bridge this gap, canceling your debt so you’re not left with unexpected financial burdens.
                        2. Credit Rating Protection: Your credit score is important, and defaulting on a large loan could have big consequences. With Auto Gap, you can rest easy knowing that even with a total loss, your credit rating can remain intact, allowing you to preserve your financial stability.
                        3. Preserve Vehicle Value: Vehicles are a big investment, and their value can depreciate quickly. Auto Gap ensures that you can walk away from a total loss without worrying about finances. This way, you can continue in your day-to-day life knowing your car’s value is safeguarded.
                        4. Get Rid of Financial Worry: Coping with the loss of your vehicle is hard enough without the added worry of financial concerns. Auto Gap helps you recover faster and get back on the road.

                      Auto Gap is the ideal protection package, aiding you in debt cancellation, credit rating protection, preserving your vehicle’s value, and ridding you of the financial stress that might come with these situations. With Prosidium Auto Gap, take on the roads with confidence, knowing that you’re protected if things go wrong.

                      Program coverage and access vary by state. See details on our product page.

                      Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                      The UAW strike against the Big Three Automakers: General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis, began on September 15th. After a grueling month and a half, a tentative deal has been made between the United Auto Workers Union and all three of the Detroit Automakers.

                      UAW Original Auto Bargaining Demands

                      According to the UAW, members of the United Auto Workers demanded ending tiers, double-digit pay raises across the lifetime of the contract, restoring Cost of Living Standards (COLA), creating well-defined pension benefits, reestablishing medical benefits for retirees, the right to strike over plant closures, establishing a working family protection program, ending the abuse of temp workers, more paid time off, and significantly increasing retiree pay. While not every demand was met, the UAW made history with the terms that were won in these agreements.

                      Walkouts from the UAW

                      The United Auto Workers made use of less than half of their 146,000 members to strike targeted plants around North America. Towards the end of October, the UAW expanded their strikes to include a General Motors assembly plant in Arlington, Texas. This move officially halted the operation of three of the world’s most profitable assembly plants. As the effects of the strike became more restrictive, the UAW’s strategy gradually increased automaker pressure.

                      What Caused the Delay in Reaching a Deal?

                      After a month of negotiations, a deal still hadn’t been reached between the UAW and the Detroit Three. Automakers were initially concerned that meeting all the UAW’s demands would negatively impact their corporate goals. The UAW’s demands were projected to result in significant annual labor cost increases for each of the companies. Automakers were worried that it put them in a tough competitive setting when it comes to the switch over to electric vehicles and with companies such as Tesla, Toyota, and Honda that are not being asked to meet the UAW demands. Both the automakers and the UAW had conflicting goals that they were trying to reach in the agreement.

                      Ford, Stellantis, GM, & UAW Tentative Deal

                      The UAW ended its strike against Ford Motor Co. after 41 days. Automotive News claims the tentative agreement gives an immediate 11% pay raise, totaling 25% in the next four years. It also reinstates COLA standards and offers a three-year path to top wages, among other benefits. The deal awaits approval by the 57,000 Ford union members. With an agreement on the table, Ford is now focusing on getting back to business at their Kentucky, Michigan, and Chicago plants.

                      Following Ford’s deal, Stellantis and GM quickly followed suit and made similar deals with the UAW. GM workers gained the right to strike over future plant closures and were able to secure improved retirement benefits for workers with retirement plans. The pension benefits were a key point with GM and their high number of retirees. With workers from all three automakers now returning to work, they hope to quickly get back on track after the month and a half long strike.

                      Life on the road can be tough on your RV, exposing it to dirt and grime on the inside and outside. But worry not; Prosidium RV Maximum Shield is here to keep your RV looking brand new. Our Interior and Exterior Protection program, along with Rip & Tear benefits, have got you covered.

                      Protecting Vehicle Interiors with RV Maximum Shield:

                      Say goodbye to spills, fading, cracking, and more on your RV’s interior. RV Maximum Shield’s interior protection creates a protective barrier on surfaces like seats, door panels, dashboards, leather, and vinyl. The coating fights against the damaging effects of UV rays, water, and oil-based spills. Keep the interior of your RV looking as good as the day you bought it with Prosidium RV Maximum Shield Interior Protection.

                      Protecting Vehicle Exteriors:

                      Prosidium RV Maximum Shield’s exterior protection delivers a coating that protects your RV from outside elements such as acid rain, fading, loss of gloss, oxidation, bird droppings, and more. By making it hard for dirt and grime to stick, your RV can maintain its sleek, glossy appearance.

                      Fixing Rips & Tears:

                      Life’s adventures can create unexpected mishaps, like rips or tears in your RV. That’s where Prosidium RV Maximum Shield steps in. Our rips & tears benefit offers up to three rip and tear repairs for your new or pre-owned RV. Leave the worry of small tears or rips to us and enjoy your journey hassle-free.

                      Safeguard your RV with Prosidum RV Maximum Shield:

                      Prosidium RV Maximum Shield is the ultimate choice for keeping your RV looking its best, inside and out. With the security of Exterior and Interior Protection, as well as Rip & Tear benefits, you’re giving your RV the top-notch care it deserves. Let Prosidium RV Maximum Shield help you embrace a future where your RV never fails to impress.

                      Contact us to learn more about our full-service vehicle contracts and how they can help you. Don’t forget that at Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we want you to drive with confidence and peace of mind.

                      Program coverage and access vary by state. See details on our product page.

                      Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth-building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. Prosidium Warranty & Capital has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                      Are you an RV enthusiast who enjoys hitting the open road, exploring new destinations, and creating lasting memories with your family and friends? If so, you know that owning an RV can be incredibly rewarding but comes with great responsibility. It’s essential to protect your RV from unexpected costs for repairs and replacements due to common road hazards. That is where RV Total Care comes to the rescue!

                      What is Prosidium RV Total Care?

                      RV Total Care is a comprehensive protection plan designed to keep your RV in showroom condition while protecting your wallet from expenses. Keeping your RV in its best condition can boost its resale value, ensuring you get the best return on your investment when it’s time to sell. With four customized tiers to choose from, you can tailor your coverage to meet your personal needs.

                      These tiers can include:

                      • Tire and Wheel Protection: Tires and wheels go through a lot while on the road.  Tire and Wheel Protection covers the repair or replacement of damage caused by hazards such as potholes, nails, glass, and other debris that finds its way onto the roadways.  
                      • Cosmetic Wheel Protection: Scrapes, scratches, and nicks to the wheel cover can detract from its appearance. RV Total Care’s Cosmetic Wheel Protection takes care of these imperfections to make sure your RV looks its best no matter where you roam.
                      • Paintless Dent Repair: Dings and dents occur often when you’re traveling on the open road. Paintless Dent Repair makes those blemishes disappear without a trace. Your RV can maintain its pristine look, and you don’t have to worry about costly repairs.
                      • Windshield Repair: A crack or chip in your windshield can be a safety issue and an eyesore. Windshield Repair covers the costs of fixing cracks less than 6 inches in length, ensuring your visibility and peace of mind.
                      • Key Replacement: Lost, stolen, or damaged keys can be a headache to replace. With key replacement, you can rest assured that your keys will be replaced, repaired, and programmed, up to $800 per occurrence for the term of your agreement.
                      24-Hour Roadside Assistance

                      One of the standout features of RV Total Care is the 24-hour roadside assistance that comes with your plan. This means that no matter where you are, you’re taken care of. Whether you get a flat, need a jump, or run out of gas, RV Total Care has you covered.

                      With RV Total Care, you can hit the roads with confidence, knowing you and your wallet are protected against common road hazards. Explore the world, create memories, and let RV Total Care take care of the rest!

                      Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive vehicle service contracts and how they can benefit you. Remember, at Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we’re committed to keeping you on the road with confidence and peace of mind.

                      Program coverage and availability vary by state. See product details on our product page.

                      Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric organization that prides itself on providing and administrating automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth-building programs with an exceptional customer service experience for dealers, agents, and contract holders nationwide. Our full suite of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusionary and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC is located north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                      At Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we know that unexpected vehicle issues can be both frustrating and stressful. That’s why we’ve streamlined the process of filing a claim to make it as quick and easy as possible for our valued customers. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to file a claim with Prosidium Warranty & Capital, ensuring you get back on the road with ease.

                      Making a Claim: A Step-by-Step Guide
                           1. Take Immediate Action

                      The first and most crucial step when you come across vehicle problems is to take immediate action. Your vehicle’s well-being is in your hands, and prompt attention can prevent further damage and ensure a smooth claims process. As the vehicle operator, you are responsible for keeping track of warning lights and gauges to address issues quickly.

                           2. Return Vehicle to Dealer

                      Once you’ve realized that you need to make a claim, the next step is to return your vehicle to either the selling dealer or a licensed repair facility of your choice. Make sure you provide them with a copy of your agreement and/or your agreement number. This step is crucial, as it helps the repair facility identify your coverage and start the assessment process correctly.

                           3. Contact Us

                      To initiate your vehicle claim, have your dealership service writer contact Prosidium Warranty & Capital toll-free at 855-251-7175. This is essential, as your repair facility will need authorization from our administrators to proceed with the claims process. Our team of experts is ready to assist and guide you through the process.

                           4. Cover Upfront Costs

                      Before the claim is processed, you’re responsible for paying your deductible and any costs for non-covered repairs. Rest assured that the cost of the work performed that is covered by your agreement will be reimbursed to you directly or to the licensed repair facility.

                           5. Refer to the Agreement

                      For any additional questions or specific details regarding your claim, always refer to the section in your agreement titled, “Guide to Filing a Claim.” Your agreement is your ultimate resource for understanding the terms and conditions of your coverage. It provides valuable insights into what is covered and what isn’t, helping you navigate the claims process with confidence.

                      Effortless Claim Filing with Prosidium Warranty & Capital

                      Filing a claim with Prosidium Warranty & Capital is designed to be a straightforward process to minimize any disruptions caused by unexpected vehicle issues. By following these steps, you can ensure that your claim is handled efficiently, allowing you to get back on the road without delays.

                      Prosidium Warranty & Capital is here to support you every step of the way. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at 855-251-7175. Your satisfaction and peace of mind are our top priorities, and we’re committed to providing you with great service when you need it most. Drive with confidence, knowing that Prosidium Warranty & Capital has your back.

                      The auto industry in the United States has been disrupted for three years and is only just now seeing signs of recovery. Several key themes are fueling this year’s recovery. David Phillips of Automotive News delves into some of the top automakers’ third-quarter results. Let’s take a closer look at the third-quarter outcomes and trends that are shaping the automotive world.

                      Strong Third-Quarter Sales Across the Board 

                      One notable trend is the strong sales performance of automakers in the third quarter. General Motors, Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, Kia, and others have all reported significant sales increases during this period. This combined success is due to better inventory management, higher demand for light vehicles and trucks, increasing fleet shipments, and appealing incentives. Despite challenges like strikes and certain supply constraints, the industry has yet to see severe impacts in its third quarter results. 

                      Steady Restock of Inventories 

                      Many automakers have been slowly replenishing their inventories, which has been critical to their recent sales growth and recovery. Toyota, for example, has had five straight months of gains as their inventory rebounds, while Hyundai has also greatly expanded its inventory and sales. This shows a comeback from the previous year’s supply chain and manufacturing difficulties, when much fewer of these automakers’ vehicles were making it to dealership lots.

                      Strong Demand for Light Vehicles 

                      Light vehicles, including trucks and electric vehicles, continue to be popular among customers. Amid supply and logistics issues, the demand for light vehicles remains high even with rising interest rates and costs. Automakers have been capitalizing on this by offering a range of light vehicle models to cater to various customer preferences.

                      High Sales for Best-Selling Models 

                      Several automakers have witnessed large sales gains for their best-selling models. This demonstrates that consumers are still interested in these well-established and trusted vehicles. Some models, such as Honda’s Accord and Civic, have experienced gains of 52 percent or more, reflecting the positive direction automotive sales are moving in after several years of sales challenges. 

                      Year-to-Date Sales Competitions 

                      Competition among automakers is intensifying as U.S. inventory levels recover across most automakers. Kia, for instance, has now outsold Hyundai in five out of nine months this year, leading in year-to-date sales by a notable margin. This competition is a sign of a recovering industry that benefits consumers by granting them more choices and driving innovation.

                      Third Quarter Industry-Wide Recovery  

                      The U.S. auto market is rebounding after facing some ongoing challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, a global microchip shortage, and the recent United Auto Workers (UAW) strike. This recovery is attributed to pent-up consumer demand, higher fleet shipments, and overall resilience in the face of higher vehicle prices and interest rates.

                      The third quarter results of 2023 have proven automakers to be much more resilient than analysts originally predicted. Between continued year-over-year sales gains, growing new vehicle fleets, and pent-up consumer demand from three years of instability, automakers are seeing promising third-quarter results.  

                      Enjoy the freedom of the open road with Prosidium RV. When you own an RV, there are many parts that may require mechanical care over the course of its life. Ensure that your RV remains in pristine condition with Prosidium RV, your trusty protection plan covering both towable RVs and motor homes.

                      Towable Prosidium Care:

                      Towable Prosidium Care covers your new or used travel trailer, fifth wheel, pop-up, slide-in camper, and toy hauler. With two coverage options to choose from, you can be sure to get the coverage that best meets your needs.

                      What is Included in Towable Prosidium Care?
                      1. Coverage Options: Coverage options include Preferred Towable and Maximum Towable. Both plans cover your RV’s suspension, braking, fresh/wastewater, A/C, kitchen center, heating system, generator, and more, with additional coverage for all parts and wear and tear available with the maximum plan.
                      2. Upgrades Offered: Prosidium RV understands that each customer has unique needs and priorities, so we have included upgrades for business use, consequential loss, and brownout.
                      3. Deductible Options: Prosidium RV allows you the freedom to pick from three deductible options: $100, $200, and $500. Pick the option that best fits your needs.
                      Motor Home Care:

                      With six coverage options to choose from, Motor Home Care has something for every motorized recreational vehicle need. Choose between Preferred Coach, Preferred Coach & Chassis, Preferred Powertrain Wrap, Maximum Coach, Maximum Coach & Chassis, and Maximum Powertrain Wrap. With various components covered, you can rest assured that you will be able to choose the plan that best matches your motor home’s needs.

                      What is Included in Motor Home Care?
                      1. Components Covered: Motor Home Care coverage options include protection for your drive axle, suspension, braking, fresh/wastewater, electrical, generator, and so much more. With multiple options, you can tailor your coverage to best meet your motor home needs and drive with ease knowing you’re
                      2. Upgrades Offered: Whether you’re a business owner or worry about consequential loss, Motor Home Care has you covered. Upgrade options include business use, consequential loss, navigation, and brown out to ensure your personal needs are met.
                      3. Deductible Options: Deductible options include $100, $200, and $500, so you can select the option that makes the most sense for you.
                      Additional Benefits:

                      Our unrivaled 24-hour roadside assistance is included in all Towable and Motor Home Plans. With 24-hour roadside assistance, you can have peace of mind knowing that towing services, flat tire changes, emergency gas delivery, battery jump service, and key lockout services are available anytime, anywhere. Other benefits include trip interruption services, RV technical assistance, food spoilage, concierge services, and a $100 deductible discount if returning to the selling dealer for repair. Drive with confidence, knowing that Prosidium RV has you covered in any situation.

                      Prosidium RV stands out when protecting your investment by covering a wide range of components. With our comprehensive coverage options, 24-hour roadside assistance, and a host of additional benefits, you can drive your RV with the assurance that you’re fully protected. Explore the contract details for more information and to find coverage that meets your needs.

                      Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive vehicle service contracts and how they can benefit you. Remember, at Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we’re committed to keeping you on the road with confidence and peace of mind.

                      Program coverage and availability vary by state. See product details on our product page.

                      Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric organization that prides itself on providing and administrating automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth-building programs with an exceptional customer service experience for dealers, agents, and contract holders nationwide. Our full suite of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusionary and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC is located north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                      Theft is an unfortunate reality that exists in today’s world and can deprive you of something you worked hard for. Prosidium RV Theft Shield is a protection system for both newly purchased and pre-owned recreational vehicles. This system is installed on the RV to act as a deterrent against theft.

                      Theft Protection For Your RV:

                      If your RV is stolen and declared a total loss, Prosidium RV Theft Shield provides a cash benefit to the agreement holder and an additional cash benefit from the original seller towards the purchase of a replacement RV. Achieve peace of mind knowing that if somebody steals your RV, you have a protection plan that covers both your immediate and long-term needs.

                      Additional Benefits Include:
                      1. Travel Allowance: This covers expenses like meals and lodging when you are traveling over 200 miles from home. This ensures you won’t find yourself stranded without a place to sleep or a meal.
                      2. Airfare Allowance: If you’ve traveled over 200 miles from home and need to return quickly, RV theft shield can help you cover the costs.
                      3. Rental Allowance: In the event you need a rental car and it’s not covered by your primary insurance, RV Theft Shield can help you out.
                      4. Differing Term Lengths: You can choose a term length that suits your needs, ranging from 1 year to 7 years.
                      5. No Deductibles: With RV Theft Shield, you won’t have to worry about out-of-pocket expenses from deductibles.
                      6. Transferable Coverage: If you decide to sell your RV before the term length is up, you can transfer coverage to the new owner. This can increase the overall sale value of your RV and instill confidence in the next owner.

                      *To learn more about additional benefits and their restrictions, visit the product page*

                      RV Theft Protection with Prosidium RV Theft Shield:

                      RV Theft Shield offers you protection for your recreational vehicle, ensuring that you can enjoy your travels without the worry of theft or unexpected expenses. With benefits such as travel, airfare, and rental allowance, flexible term lengths, no deductibles, and transferable coverage, RV Theft Shield has you covered. Choose RV Theft Shield to safeguard your investment and travel with confidence.

                      Program coverage and access vary by state. See details on our product page.

                      Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth-building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                      The Detroit Three automakers—Ford, Stellantis, General Motors, and the United Auto Workers (UAW)—have engaged in some crucial negotiations this month, hoping to find common ground on several key issues. It has been a complex process, with both sides having their own sets of priorities and concerns.

                      A key point of discussion from the UAW has been their desire to get rid of pay tiers, secure cost-of-living increases, establish profit-sharing, and enhance job security, among other matters. Automakers are worried that compliance with these demands could mean not being able to invest in the switch to electric vehicles. These negotiations are important for both parties as they try to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

                      Initially, there was a deadline set for September 14th, but Ford, Stellantis, and General Motors could not reach an agreement that satisfied the UAW’s demands. Due to its inability to come to an agreement, the UAW began initiating targeted strikes.

                      As negotiations pressed into week two, there was hope that a resolution would be reached by the new end-of-week deadline. However, as week two came to an end, the Detroit Three Automakers and the UAW once again failed to reach an agreement. This setback has led to more strikes at several General Motors (GM) and Stellantis locations across the nation. Ford was able to avoid additional strikes this week as talks move in a seemingly positive direction between Ford and the UAW.

                      The ongoing negotiations between the Detroit Three and the UAW continue to be a critical topic of interest, with both sides working to find common ground while addressing all concerns. AP News’ David Koenig reports on continued discussions between the UAW, GM, Ford, and Stellantis in the hopes of reaching an agreement before the strike further escalates.

                      When you’re on the journey of vehicle ownership, the uncertainty that comes with unforeseen mechanical issues can cast a shadow of doubt. Prosidium Pro Shield serves as your steadfast companion, erasing those doubts by extending a protective umbrella over you through the crucial initial phase—the first 3 months or 3,000 miles from your used vehicle purchase.

                      Comprehensive Coverage for Unforeseen Mechanical Mishaps:

                      Prosidium Pro Shield steps in as your armor against the unexpected. This warranty covers a wide range of components, including the engine, transmission, drivetrain, filters, fluids, lubricants, seals, and gaskets. This coverage serves as a safety net, permitting you to drive off the dealership lot knowing that you’re shielded from mechanical failures.

                      Rental and Towing Reimbursement:

                      With Prosidium Pro Shield, we go beyond mechanical protection by making sure that you and your vehicle are fully taken care of in the event of a mechanical failure. We recognize that a mechanical breakdown can disrupt not only your vehicle but your daily plans too. For this reason, Prosidium Pro Shield includes rental and towing reimbursement in its offering. This means that should your vehicle falter, you won’t bear the financial burden of the disruption. Whether you’re looking for an alternate vehicle or a smooth tow, Prosidium Pro Shield stands by you.

                      Peace of Mind on the Road Ahead:

                      As you cruise the roads, Prosidium Pro Shield allows you to focus on the journey itself rather than what could go wrong. The initial period of ownership, often filled with uncertainties, becomes a phase of confident exploration with Pro Shield on your side. It is a promise of security and a commitment to being your partner through unexpected twists in the road. With coverage spanning crucial mechanical components and the added assurance of rental and towing reimbursement, you can drive your pre-owned vehicle knowing that you’re shielded from the unpredictability that can come with vehicle ownership.

                      Discover worry-free driving with Prosidium Pro Shield because we believe your journey should be defined by the road ahead, not the bumps along the way.

                      Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive vehicle service contracts and how they can benefit you. Remember, at Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we’re committed to keeping you on the road with confidence and peace of mind.

                      Program coverage and availability vary by state. See product details on our product page.

                      Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric organization that prides itself on providing and administrating automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth-building programs with an exceptional customer service experience for dealers, agents, and contract holders nationwide. Our full suite of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusionary and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC is located north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                      In the quickly changing landscape of today’s world, the unfortunate reality is that vehicle theft poses a potential threat to vehicle owners. At Prosidium, we know the importance of safeguarding your investment and the value of peace of mind. To address these concerns, we’ve launched Prosidium Connect, an innovative theft protection system tailored to both new and used vehicles, providing security from the moment you drive off the lot.

                      Comprehensive Theft Protection:

                      Prosidium Connect offers features beyond basic theft prevention thanks to CarRx and Elo GPS. In real-time, this software shows you vital insights into your vehicle’s:

                          • Current location

                          • Vehicle location history

                          • Health scans

                          • Movement alerts for your parked vehicle

                          • Alerts when your vehicle leaves pre-defined boundaries—boundaries that you can change to match your needs.

                        Additional Comprehensive Benefits:

                        As a Prosidium Connect policyholder, you gain access to additional benefits designed to seamlessly integrate into your life in the event that an incident occurs. These benefits include Travel, Airfare, and Rental Car Allowance Reimbursement, no mileage restrictions, no deductible, and a transferable plan for added flexibility. This coverage ensures that even in the event of an incident, you can keep to your daily routines without the burden of additional stress.

                        Unlocking more with CarRx and Elo GPS:

                        Prosidium Connects partnership with CarRx and Elo GPS opens the door to many additional advantages. These include smart alerts that keep you informed, detailed insights on your speed and driving information, diagnostic reports, convenient in-app service scheduling, updates on battery and fuel levels, timely maintenance reminders, and access to critical recall information. All this information is available at your fingertips with the ease of a mobile app or desktop, accessible anytime and anywhere.  

                        Stolen Vehicle Assistance:

                        We at Prosidium understand the distress that comes with a stolen vehicle incident. If your vehicle is stolen, get 24/7 Stolen Vehicle Recovery support from the ELO GPS team in their app or by calling their Stolen Vehicle Support phone number. This ensures that you’re not alone in navigating this unfortunate situation; we’re committed to seeing you through the entire process and offering the support you need.

                        Prosidium Connect is more than just a theft protection system; it’s your trusted partner in preserving your vehicle’s security, your peace of mind, and your uninterrupted daily life. With a range of cutting-edge features and benefits backed by the expertise of Prosidium, you can confidently embark on every journey, knowing that your vehicle is safeguarded by the best in the business.

                        Contact us to learn more about our full-service vehicle contracts and how they can help you. Don’t forget that at Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we want you to drive with confidence and peace of mind.

                        Program coverage and access vary by state. See details on our product page.

                        Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth-building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                        When it comes to keeping your new or pre-owned vehicle looking its best, Prosidium Maximum Shield has you covered. If you like the idea of keeping that showroom-worthy allure, then Prosidium Maximum Shield is your solution. This protection package has Exterior Protection, Interior Protection, and Rip & Tear benefits, making sure your vehicle stays looking great no matter what.

                        Unmatched Exterior Protection:

                        With Prosidium Maximum Shield Exterior Protection, you get a high-performance exterior coating that fights against the elements. This coating makes it hard for grime to stick to your vehicle. By doing so, it offers a strong defense against the harmful effects of UV rays, fading, oxidation, bird droppings, and other hazards. This helps your vehicle keep its glossy finish, unaffected by the challenges of the environment.

                        Maintain Your Interior Appearance:

                        The Interior Protection aspect of Prosidium Maximum Shield doesn’t leave any detail untouched, coating each fiber in your vehicle’s interior. The protectant forms a barrier on surfaces such as seats, door panels, dashboards, leather, and vinyl. This barrier fights against water and oil-based spills as well as the dreaded fading and cracking that UV rays can cause. Your vehicle’s interior remains clean and neat, resistant to the trials of time and usage.

                        Fixing Rips & Tears:

                        Prosidium Maximum Shield knows that life’s adventures can lead to unexpected mishaps, causing rips and tears in your vehicle. That’s why our Maximum Shield plan offers the benefit of up to three rip and tear repairs for your new or preowned vehicle. We get that your journeys are meant to be enjoyed, so leave the worry of small damages to us.

                        *Check with your F&I Manager to see if Rips & Tears is available in your region*

                        Prosidium Maximum Shield is the best choice for keeping your vehicle clean and stylish. With its multifaceted protection, ranging from the diligence of Exterior Protection, the reliability of Interior Protection, to the security of Rip & Tear benefits, you’re giving your vehicle the best care it deserves. Let Prosidium Maximum Shield help you embrace a future where your vehicle never fails to stir up admiration.

                        Contact us to learn more about our full-service vehicle contracts and how they can help you. Don’t forget that at Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we want you to drive with confidence and peace of mind.

                        Program coverage and access vary by state. See details on our product page.

                        Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth-building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                        With Prosidium Secure Care, we understand the value of safeguarding both your vehicle and your peace of mind. That’s why we offer a coverage solution designed to provide you with mechanical protection for a range of critical components on your high-mileage, pre-owned vehicle. From engines and transmissions to drive axles, air conditioning, heating and cooling systems, electrical systems, and braking components, Prosidium Secure Care has got you covered. Our mission is to equip you with the confidence to take on the road, no matter what unexpected repairs come your way.

                        Elevate Your Coverage:

                        We take pride in going above and beyond the standard to ensure your vehicle’s longevity and your satisfaction. With Prosidium Secure Care, we provide you with the freedom to enhance your coverage by choosing from a selection of core upgrades and surcharges. Whether you’re interested in seeking coverage for seals and gaskets, business-related use, your hybrid electric vehicle, or your lifted vehicle, we’re here to serve your unique needs and priorities.

                        24-Hour Roadside Assistance, Anytime, Anywhere:

                        We understand the frustration that can come from sudden breakdowns, leaving you stranded in unknown territory. Prosidium Secure Care is committed to your safety and convenience. Our feature includes 24-hour roadside assistance, making sure you’re not alone in times of trouble. No matter where you are, our team is just a phone call away. We’re well-prepared to assist with common issues such as flat tires, dead batteries, and more. This round-the-clock support adds an extra layer of convenience, getting you back on the road swiftly and without disruption.

                        Drive With Confidence, Drive with Prosidium Secure Care:

                        When it comes to prioritizing the protection of your high-mileage vehicle’s essential components, there’s no compromise. Prosidium Secure Care offers a comprehensive coverage solution tailored to your needs. With coverage options safeguarding the critical components of your vehicle, the ability to upgrade your coverage, and the added security of 24-hour roadside assistance, it’s an essential consideration for high-mileage and pre-owned vehicle owners who take charge of managing their maintenance costs and cherish a worry-free driving experience. Your vehicle’s protection starts here.

                        Contact us to learn more about our full-service vehicle contracts and how they can help you. Don’t forget that at Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we want you to drive with confidence and peace of mind.

                        Program coverage and access vary by state. See details on our product page.

                        Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth-building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                        When it comes to investing in a vehicle, the journey extends well beyond your initial purchase. The true value of your investment is revealed over the years as your vehicle becomes integral to your daily life. That’s why Prosidium Lifetime Warranty was created as a beacon of reassurance, promising not just protection but peace of mind that is with you every mile of the way for a lifetime.

                        Unveiling Lifetime Protection:

                        The Prosidium Lifetime Warranty is more than just a warranty; it’s a promise to be there for you for the life of your vehicle. We understand that your vehicle is more than just a mode of transportation; it is a trusted companion who joins you on adventures and becomes a part of your story.

                        Prosidium Lifetime Warranty offers lifetime protection for critical components of your vehicle, such as your vehicle’s engine, transmission, drive axle, seals, and gaskets. These are the heart and soul of your vehicle, and our warranty ensures that they are safeguarded against unexpected mishaps.

                        Lifetime Protection, Lifetime Care:

                        What sets the Prosidium Lifetime Warranty apart is its long-held commitment to your vehicle’s well-being. So long as your vehicle is being checked and serviced in accordance with the manufacturer’s suggestions at a licensed repair facility, your lifetime protection remains active. This ensures that you are not only covered during the early years of ownership, but you’re also covered as your vehicle grows older, making sure that your investment continues to perform at its best.

                        Rental Car Reimbursement:

                        We understand that life doesn’t stop when your vehicle needs service. That is why Prosidium Lifetime Warranty goes beyond protection and offers you practical assistance. If your vehicle needs a covered repair and you find yourself without transportation, our warranty has you covered. Prosidium Lifetime Warranty will take care of the actual costs of renting a car from an authorized rental agency. This way, your mobility remains uninterrupted, ensuring you can carry on with your daily routine.

                        Your Lifetime, Our Commitment:

                        In a world where unpredictability is a constant companion, the Prosidium Lifetime Warranty stands as a foundation of support. Your vehicle’s lifetime is a chapter in your life’s story, and we’re honored to be a part of it, providing unwavering protection, care, and peace of mind. Choose the Prosidium Lifetime Warranty and drive into the future with the confidence that your journey is safeguarded, mile after mile.

                        Contact us to learn more about our full-service vehicle contracts and how they can help you. Don’t forget that at Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we want you to drive with confidence and peace of mind.

                        Program coverage and access vary by state. See details on our product page.

                        Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth-building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                        In the realm of daily driving, protecting your vehicle from the unexpected is a challenge we all face. Dents and dings can happen out of nowhere, leaving us frustrated about how to handle the world of repairs and expenses. That is where Prosidium Executive Shield steps in—your partner in securing your vehicle against the dangers of the road.

                        Paintless Dent Repair (PDR):

                        Dents can stem from a wide range of situations. Whether it is the nudge of a stray shopping cart or a minor door ding in your local store’s parking lot, the vulnerabilities are endless. Prosidium Executive Shield uses Paintless Dent Repair (PDR), a method designed to address imperfections less than four inches in length.

                        By using state-of-the-art PDR techniques, Prosidium Executive Shield ensures that any paintless dent blemish on your vehicle’s exterior body panels can be fixed. The dented sheet metal can be coaxed back to its original form while keeping the integrity of the car’s factory finish.

                        Countless Repairs, One Solution:

                        Prosidium Executive Shield redefines protection by taking away the limits associated with traditional coverage. With us, there is no cap on the number of times you can use PDR to fix damage. Whether you have a series of unfortunate events or an isolated incident, rest assured that your vehicle can be restored to its former glory each time.

                        Choice and Flexibility:

                        We understand that preferences vary, and so should the solutions that cater to your needs. Prosidium Executive Shield allows you to select from a range of term and deductible options, putting you in charge of your protection plan. Your policy isn’t etched in stone; it’s both adaptable and transferable, changing with your journey as a policyholder.

                        Elevate Your Vehicle Protection Today:

                        Prosidium Executive Shield isn’t just another coverage; it’s a comprehensive shield against life’s unexpected knocks. Elevate your vehicle’s protection by embracing the power of Paintless Dent Repair and the commitment of Prosidium Executive Shield. Protect your investment, maintain your vehicle’s elegance, and travel with assurance knowing that the highest level of vehicle protection is protecting your investment.

                        Contact us to learn more about our full-service vehicle contracts and how they can help you. Don’t forget that at Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we want you to drive with confidence and peace of mind.

                        Program coverage and access vary by state. See details on our product page.

                        Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth-building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA.

                        Rev up your engines because the North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) is back! From September 13th to 24th, 2023, the automotive world will once again meet in Detroit, Michigan, to celebrate the latest innovations and technologies from the auto industry.

                        NAIAS is known for spotlighting the best vehicles and technologies from American and international automakers. Motorweek is giving updates and showing some of the latest developments from the show. This event is a chance to see what’s in the works from brands such as Ford, General Motors, Chrysler, and others. From electric and autonomous vehicles to advanced safety features and shiny new vehicles, NAIAS grants the opportunity to explore the vehicles and technology that are shaping the future of the industry.

                        In the world of vehicle protection, you may come across the term “ancillary product.” But what exactly is it, and why should you consider adding it to your protection plan? A lot of companies offer ancillary products, but not all ancillary products come with Prosidium Warranty & Capital standout 15-second average hold times, 6-minute handle times, and a 96% approval rate. In this, we’ll explore what ancillary products are, why they can be useful, and what we offer when it comes to safeguarding your vehicle.

                        What is an Ancillary Product?

                        An ancillary product is a product that adds an extra layer of protection to your main vehicle warranty. Think of it as an optional bonus that offers additional protection beyond the scope of your standard coverage. These products are designed to offer you peace of mind in many ways, making sure you’re prepared for unexpected situations.

                        Why Choose an Ancillary Product?

                        If you already have a traditional warranty plan, you might be wondering why you should consider an ancillary product. The answer is simple: while standard warranties cover the main mechanical components of your vehicle, they often leave out other crucial parts. Ancillary products fill this gap by letting you tailor your protection plans to reflect the components that matter to you.

                        Here are a few key reasons why ancillary products can be useful:

                            1. Comprehensive Coverage: Ancillary products cover a wide range of items, including but not limited to your vehicle’s key fobs, windshields, tires, and more. This means you’re no longer limited to traditional mechanical protections.
                            2. Customization: All vehicle owners have their own needs and priorities when it comes to vehicle protection. Ancillary products allow you to create custom coverages, ensuring that you’re paying for what matters most to you.
                            3. Added Peace of Mind: Accidents and repairs can be costly. Ancillary products offer an extra layer of protection and financial security, so you will not have to worry about future repair bills.
                            4. Convenience: Ancillary products are easy to add to your existing protection plan, making them a convenient way to enhance your coverage without adding complications.

                          Prosidium Warranty & Capital Ancillary Products:

                          Prosidium Warranty & Capital offers a range of ancillary products to cater to various vehicle protection needs. While other businesses may offer products that are similar to ours, none of them have the support of Prosidium Warranty & Capital, where we offer standout hold times, quick handle times, unmatched customer service, and a variety of ancillary products to suit your needs.

                          Ancillary products are useful to add to your vehicle protection plan and allow you to customize coverage, reduce financial risks, and enjoy peace of mind on the road. When choosing the best ancillary products for your vehicle, look at your unique needs and priorities to make an informed choice about protecting your investment.

                          Our ancillary offerings include:

                            Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth-building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development, and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA.

                            The summer of 2023 has seen a notable upswing in the U.S. automotive industry, with new vehicle inventory levels increasing from the same point a year ago. The rise in inventory can be credited to a slow return to some form of normalcy in production after a few years of challenges. As the automotive landscape continues to go through changes, it is crucial for dealership groups to take steps to leverage their stockpiled inventory effectively.

                            The Surge in Inventory:

                            Recent statistics from Auto News paint a vivid picture of the current situation. New vehicle inventories in the U.S. have risen by an ample amount, reaching a 53-day supply or 1.95 million units, a 75 percent increase compared to last year. This growing stockpile of unsold vehicles shows an upward trend from where it stood even the month before. This surge has been seen most notably in electric vehicles (EVs) and with full-size cars with around 100 days of inventory stockpiled.

                            Opportunity with Wealth Management:

                            Amidst the shifting landscape, dealership groups are dealing with both challenges and opportunities. It is essential for them to consider how to make the most of their inventory. This is where wealth management comes into play.

                            Prosidium Warranty & Capital meets the unique financial needs of dealership groups in the automotive industry. Our wealth management capability is designed to help you navigate the ever-changing landscape. We understand that your wealth management portfolio should align with your financial objectives, and we have the expertise to make it happen.


                                • Alignment with Your Goals: Our team of experts works closely with you to make sure that your wealth management strategies are in harmony with your business objectives. We know that every dealership is unique, and our tailored solutions reflect this.

                                • Real-Time Support: In a fast-paced industry such as this one, real-time support is vital. Prosidium Warranty & Capital is committed to providing speedy service with 15-second hold times and an average of 6-minute handling times. This way, we are here when you need us, helping you stay ahead of lot volumes and seize opportunities in this dynamic market.

                              The surge in new vehicle inventory in the U.S. represents a turning point for dealership groups. It’s a moment to strategize and capitalize on the opportunities presented by this inventory growth. With Prosidium Warranty & Capital wealth management expertise and commitment to real-time support, you can navigate this ever-changing landscape with confidence.

                              Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                              Contact Us


                              As a vehicle owner, it is crucial to make sure your investment is safe from unexpected mechanical issues. At Prosidium, we understand how valuable convenience and peace of mind are when it comes to taking care of your vehicle. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce Auto Care Service Drive (S-Drive), one of our most flexible and wide-ranging protection plans. This plan is made to match your needs, giving vehicle owners the option to buy our top-tier protection plan after their vehicle purchase. With several options for mechanical protection and 24-hour roadside assistance, Auto Care S-Drive makes sure you can enjoy driving without worry.

                              Seamless Protection After Purchase:

                              Auto Care S-Drive is your complete post-purchase solution for vehicle protection. Unlike typical protection plans that you buy right when you’re getting the vehicle, Auto Care S-Drive gives you the freedom to secure protection for your vehicle without being rushed. Simply head to the Service Department of dealers that are part of this program and ask about the availability of Auto Care S-Drive with your Service Advisor.

                              Robust Mechanical Protection:

                              Auto Care S-Drive offers several mechanical protection plans to fit your needs. From basic powertrain coverage to the comprehensive exclusionary maximum protection, our plans have you fully covered. Whether you drive a used vehicle, a certified pre-owned, or a brand-new car, you can rest assured knowing you’re protected against unexpected mechanical breakdowns.

                              Complete Peace of Mind with 24-Hour Roadside Assistance:

                              Auto Care S-Drive takes protection to the next level with 24-hour roadside assistance. We know that life on the road can be unpredictable, and that’s why we’re here to help whenever you need it most. From towing and flat tire changes to emergency gas delivery and battery jumps, our roadside assistance service has you covered around the clock.

                              Experience the Power of Auto Care S-Drive:

                              With Auto Care S-Drive, Prosidium allows you to take control of your vehicle’s protection like never before. Our flexible post-purchase solution makes sure you can safeguard your investment at your own pace. With a wide range of mechanical protection options, you’re sure to find the perfect plan for your needs. With 24-hour roadside assistance and the option to combine a maintenance package, Auto Care S-Drive the perfect choice for vehicle owners seeking complete peace of mind.

                              Don’t wait to experience the ultimate protection for your vehicle. Reach out to your Service Advisor at participating dealerships today to learn about Auto Care S-Drive’s availability and bring your vehicle’s protection to new heights.

                              Contact us to learn more about our full-service vehicle contracts and how they can help you. Don’t forget that at Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we want you to drive with confidence and peace of mind.

                              Program coverage and access vary by state. See details on our product page.

                              Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA.

                              In a time where data breaches and cyber threats are on the rise, it is key for automotive dealerships to focus on data security. The Revised FTC Safeguard Rule went into effect on June 9th, 2023, and holds particular importance for the automotive dealer industry. This rule was put in place in 2003 and updated by the FTC in 2021 to align with changing technology and offer clear guidelines on data security. In this article, we’ll explore what dealerships should know and do to protect themselves and their customers in line with the Safeguard Rule.

                              Understanding the Revised FTC Safeguard Rule:

                              The FTC Safeguard Rule outlines three key requirements that businesses, including automotive dealerships, must stick to:

                                  • Keeping Information Secure: Automotive dealerships must prioritize the security and confidentiality of customer information. This means taking steps to prevent unauthorized access to or disclosure of sensitive data.

                                  • Guarding against Expected Threats: Dealerships should proactively protect customer information by setting up safeguards against expected threats or hazards to the security and integrity of the data. This means finding potential weaknesses and taking action to address them.

                                  • Preventing Unauthorized Access: Automotive dealerships must take steps to protect customer information from unwanted access that could cause harm or inconvenience to any customer. This includes using access controls, authentication measures, and encryption technologies. 

                                To help automotive dealerships comply with the Revised FTC Safeguard Rule, consider the following practical recommendations:

                                    1. Secure Document Handling: Safeguard financial information by shredding physical documents that contain customer data. If paper copies are necessary, store them in locked cabinets to prevent unwanted access.
                                    2. Regular Security Testing: Conduct quarterly penetration tests at the dealership to identify security weaknesses. This can involve simulated scenarios, such as checking for unlocked computers, ensuring customer data is not left exposed on paperwork, and getting rid of the use of sticky notes with passwords.
                                    3. Strengthen Password Security: Encourage employees to use complex passwords or implement a password vault solution. Password vaults, like BitWarden, provide secure storage for passwords and limit access to authorized personnel. Additionally, emphasize the importance of locking computer screens when stepping away to prevent unauthorized access.
                                    4. Secure Email Communication: Consider using email exchanges that offer stronger protection, such as Microsoft Outlook 365. These platforms use advanced sorting features and limit the risk of phishing and scam emails. Tell employees to use caution with emails from unknown senders and only open file attachments from trusted sources.

                                  The FTC has identified nine elements that can bolster data security within your dealership and workspace. Check those out at the button below.

                                  Complying with the Revised FTC Safeguard Rule is essential for automotive dealerships to protect themselves and their customers from data breaches and potential harm. By prioritizing data security and using practical measures such as secure document handling, regular security testing, strengthening password security, and securing email communication, dealerships can reduce risks and foster a secure environment. Proactively following these guidelines helps with regulatory compliance and builds trust with customers, who entrust their private information to these businesses. By safeguarding customer data, automotive dealerships can position themselves as responsible stewards of privacy and enhance their reputation in the industry.

                                  Your vehicle’s windshield is one of its most important safety features, protecting you and your passengers from outside elements while giving you clear visibility on the road. Unfortunately, windshield damage happens often and can pose a large risk to your safety. That’s where Prosidium Safety Shield comes in to save the day. Giving you comprehensive coverage for windshield repair and replacement, Safety Shield makes sure that you can hit the road with peace of mind, knowing that your windshield is fully protected.

                                  Unrivaled Coverage for Windshield Damage:

                                  Safety Shield goes beyond typical insurance policies by providing coverage for different types of windshield damage. Whether you run into cracks, chips, stars, or sand pitting, Safety Shield has you covered. These damages are fixed by licensed repair facilities, ensuring high-quality workmanship that gives back your windshield’s strength.

                                  No Deductible and Transferable Coverage:

                                  Prosidium Safety Shield stands out from the crowd with its customer-centric approach. Unlike traditional insurance policies, Safety Shield doesn’t burden you with deductibles. This means that when you need to repair or replace your windshield, you won’t have to pay a dime out of pocket. It’s a true testament to Prosidium’s commitment to customer satisfaction.

                                  Another key advantage of Safety Shield is its transferable coverage. If you sell your vehicle, the leftover coverage can be transferred to the new owner. This feature adds value to your vehicle and provides additional peace of mind for future owners. Whether you’re a new car buyer or have a pre-owned vehicle, Safety Shield offers unmatched convenience and protection.

                                  The Replacement Solution for Large Cracks:

                                  Even the most careful drivers can experience the unfortunate event of a large windshield crack. Prosidium Safety Shield recognizes this and offers a solution when repairs are not possible. If a crack exceeds 6 inches in length, Safety Shield covers the complete replacement of the windshield. This means you won’t have to bear the hefty cost of replacing a damaged windshield on your own.

                                  Car Windshield Repair

                                  Why Choose Prosidium Safety Shield?

                                      1. Complete Protection: Safety Shield covers a wide range of windshield damages, including cracks, chips, stars, and sand pitting. It makes sure your windshield stays in optimal condition, guaranteeing your safety on the road.
                                      2. No Deductible: With Safety Shield, there are no deductibles to worry about. You won’t face any unexpected out-of-pocket costs when repairing or replacing your windshield.
                                      3. Transferable Coverage: Safety Shield offers the flexibility to transfer the remaining coverage to a new owner if you decide to sell your vehicle. This feature adds value and peace of mind to both you and future owners.
                                      4. Cost Savings: By getting rid of deductibles and covering windshield replacement for larger cracks, Safety Shield helps you save money in the long run. You can drive with confidence, knowing that potential windshield repairs won’t drain your finances. 

                                    Prosidium Safety Shield is the ultimate solution for protecting your windshield from the damage that can happen on the road. With comprehensive coverage for various types of windshield damage and the option for complete replacement, Safety Shield offers unparalleled peace of mind for both new and pre-owned vehicle owners. Say goodbye to deductibles and hello to worry-free driving with Prosidium Safety Shield. Protect your windshield and ensure your safety wherever the road takes you.

                                    Contact us to learn more about our full-service vehicle contracts and how they can help you. Don’t forget that at Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we want you to drive with confidence and peace of mind.

                                    Program coverage and access vary by state. See details on our product page.

                                    Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA.

                                    If you’re a motorcycles, ATVs, scooters, snowmobiles, or personal watercraft enthusiast, you understand the excitement these powersports vehicles bring. Whether you’re riding on the open road or conquering off-road terrains, Prosidium Powersports is here to ensure you have a worry-free and enjoyable experience. Our comprehensive powersports programs offer mechanical protection plans and GAP protection tailored to meet the specific needs of each vehicle category, providing you with unmatched peace of mind.

                                    Exclusionary Mechanical Protection:

                                    Prosidium Powersports offers exclusionary mechanical protection plans that go above and beyond basic coverage. These plans provide comprehensive protection for your powersports vehicle, covering all major components against unexpected mechanical breakdowns. From the engine to the transmission, drive system, electrical components, cooling system, suspension, and more, our plans have you covered. With Prosidium Powersports, you can ride with confidence, knowing that costly repairs are taken care of.

                                    GAP Protection:

                                    In addition to mechanical protection, Prosidium Powersports offers GAP (Guaranteed Asset Protection) coverage. This coverage is designed to protect you financially in the event of a total loss or theft of your powersports vehicle. GAP coverage bridges the gap between the actual cash value of your vehicle and the remaining loan balance, ensuring you’re not left with a financial burden.

                                    24-Hour Roadside Assistance:

                                    At Prosidium Powersports, we understand that unexpected breakdowns can happen anytime, anywhere. That’s why all our mechanical protection plans include 24-hour roadside assistance benefits. Whether you experience a flat tire, run out of gas, need a jump-start, or require towing, our roadside assistance service is just a phone call away. We’re here to provide you with prompt support and get you back on your adventures in no time.

                                    Customized Protection for Every Powersport:

                                    Prosidium Powersports recognizes that each powersports vehicle is unique, with different needs and requirements. That’s why our programs cover a wide range of vehicles, including on-road motorcycles, off-road motorcycles, ATVs, scooters, snowmobiles, and personal watercraft. No matter your chosen ride, we have the right protection plan to suit your vehicle.

                                    Experience the Thrills with Prosidium Powersports:

                                    Don’t let the fear of unexpected repairs or financial loss dampen your powersports adventures. Prosidium Powersports is dedicated to ensuring you can fully enjoy the thrill and excitement of your rides, knowing that you’re protected. With our exclusionary mechanical protection plans, GAP coverage, and 24-hour roadside assistance, you can hit the road, trail, or water with confidence.

                                    Contact us to learn more about Prosidium Powersports and how our programs can provide you with comprehensive protection for your powersports vehicles. Your thrills await!

                                    Program coverage and access vary by state. See details on our product page.

                                    Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA.

                                    Owning a vehicle comes with plenty of uncertainties. From unexpected breakdowns to costly repairs, it’s important to have a trusted protection plan in place to give you peace of mind. That’s where Prosidium Auto Care comes in. As Prosidium’s premier vehicle service contract, Auto Care offers a variety of coverages to meet the different needs of vehicle buyers. Whether you’re buying a new, certified pre-owned, or used vehicle, Auto Care provides comprehensive mechanical protection and unmatched peace of mind.

                                    Coverage Options for Every Need:

                                    Auto Care offers a wide range of coverage options to meet your needs. From basic Powertrain protection to Maximum exclusionary coverage, we have you covered. Our contracts cover all major vehicle components, including the engine, transmission, drive axle, seals & gaskets, air conditioning, heating & cooling, electrical systems, braking, suspension, steering, fuel delivery, and much more. Depending on the coverage you choose during your vehicle purchase, you can have peace of mind knowing that the most important parts of your vehicle are protected.

                                    24-Hour Roadside Assistance:

                                    With Auto Care, we go beyond mechanical protection. We understand that breakdowns can happen at any time, leaving you stuck on the side of the road. That’s why Auto Care includes 24-hour roadside assistance, making sure that you’re never alone in an unexpected situation. If you are ever in need of a tow, a jump-start, fuel delivery, or even help with a flat tire, our committed team is just a phone call away.

                                    Low Deductible and More Benefits:

                                    Auto Care not only provides great coverage but also offers additional benefits to make your ownership experience better. Our contracts include a very low deductible, cutting your out-of-pocket expenses in the event of a covered repair. Auto Care also provides rental reimbursement and substitute transportation reimbursement, ensuring that you have a way to get around while your vehicle is serviced away from home.

                                    Options for Specific Vehicle Needs:

                                    We understand that each vehicle is unique, and its coverage should reflect that. That’s why Auto Care offers select options for business use, hybrid vehicles, and lift kits for up to 8 inches. We want to ensure that your vehicle is perfectly covered, no matter its specific needs.

                                    Upgrade with Auto Care Maintenance Package:

                                    For those who want even more convenience and peace of mind, you can upgrade with the Auto Care Maintenance package. This package covers essential maintenance services such as engine oil changes, filter replacements, inspections, and much more. The best part? There’s no deductible for these covered services, allowing you to keep your vehicle in top condition without worrying about additional costs.

                                    Choose Prosidium Auto Care for Unmatched Protection:

                                    When it comes to protecting your investment, Prosidium Auto Care stands out as a leader in the industry. With our comprehensive coverage options, 24-hour roadside assistance, low deductibles, and additional benefits, you can drive with confidence knowing that you’re fully protected. Explore our contract details for more information and find the coverage that suits your needs.

                                    Contact us to learn more about our full-service vehicle contracts and how they can help you. Don’t forget that at Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we want you to drive with confidence and peace of mind.

                                    Program coverage and access vary by state. See details on our product page.

                                    Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA.

                                    Recent legislation in the Senate to address the alarming rise in catalytic converter thefts has gained significant attention and support. The National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) voiced their appreciation for this crucial step taken to assist law enforcement in fixing this growing issue.

                                    The Preventing Auto Recycling Theft (PART) Act, brought in by Democratic Sens. Amy Klobuchar and Ron Wyden, aims to curb catalytic converter thefts by implementing measures such as requiring new vehicles to have the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) stamped onto the converters. This critical solution enables law enforcement officers to trace stolen parts back to their original vehicles.

                                    The PART Act also proposes the establishment of a grant program that would allow dealers, repair shops, and other eligible entities to stamp VINs onto converters of existing vehicles. Furthermore, it calls for the imposition of federal criminal penalties, including jail time of up to five years, for theft, sale, trafficking, or known purchases of stolen catalytic converters.

                                    The widespread nature of catalytic converter thefts has become a big concern for both dealerships and consumers. NADA President and CEO Mike Stanton highlighted the urgent need for action, emphasizing the ease with which criminals perceive this type of theft due to the lack of traceability and inconsistencies in state laws.

                                    The Senate bill is currently under review by the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, awaiting further support, including from Republican lawmakers.

                                    The rising rates of catalytic converter thefts in the United States can be traced to the presence of valuable precious metals like platinum, palladium, and rhodium within these parts. Unfortunately, their lack of traceability makes them lucrative targets for criminals.

                                    According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, the reported cases of catalytic converter thefts in the U.S. skyrocketed to 14,433 in 2020, compared to 3,389 in 2019 and a mere 1,298 in 2018. These stolen converters fetch up to $350 each on the black market, while replacement costs for vehicle owners can reach as high as $2,500.

                                    As catalytic converter thefts continue to surge, David Glawe, CEO of the National Insurance Crime Bureau, highlighted the need for stronger deterrents to discourage such crimes. He stressed the importance of Congress enacting legislation that classifies catalytic converter theft as a felony and introduces more severe penalties to dissuade criminals.

                                    The PART Act, introduced by U.S. Rep. Jim Baird and supported by over 40 lawmakers from both parties, has already gathered bipartisan backing. It has been referred to the House Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce, with industry organizations like NADA urging for a hearing on the measure.

                                    Prosidium Warranty & Capital recognizes the pressing need to address catalytic converter thefts. While legislative efforts are underway, it is important for vehicle owners and dealerships to take proactive measures to protect themselves. That’s why we have developed Prosidium Catalytic Converter Theft Shield—an exceptional product offering comprehensive coverage and financial protection against the rising threat of converter thefts.

                                    By choosing Prosidium Catalytic Converter Theft Shield, you can secure your vehicle and shield yourself from the financial burdens linked with this growing epidemic. Stay tuned for more updates and information on how you can safeguard your vehicle with our cutting-edge protection plan.

                                    Experience the security and peace of mind you deserve with Prosidium Catalytic Converter Theft Shield. 

                                    Contact us now to learn more about our exceptional product and how it can safeguard your vehicle against the growing threat of catalytic converter thefts. Don’t forget that at Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we want you to drive with confidence and peace of mind.

                                    Program coverage and access varies by state. See details on our product page.

                                    Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 


                                    Car keys have become more advanced, adding cutting-edge technology and features that enhance security and convenience. However, with these upgrades, the cost of key replacements has also increased. Losing or having car keys stolen can be a stressful and costly experience. But fear not! We have a solution that will save your customers from the financial burden and inconvenience that comes with key replacement. Introducing Prosidium Key Shield—a comprehensive key protection product designed to give you unrivaled peace of mind.

                                    Comprehensive Key Protection:

                                    Prosidium Key Shield is specifically tailored to offer car buyers coverage for lost or stolen key fobs. With this product, your customers can rest easy, knowing that the cost of replacing their keys is fully covered. Prosidium Key Shield offers coverage for key replacements of up to $800 per occurrence, ensuring that customers don’t have to bear the entire cost of getting a new key.

                                    Additional Coverage for Personal Keys:

                                    Prosidium Key Shield goes above and beyond by not only covering car keys but also providing coverage for personal keys such as those used for trailers, RVs, lock boxes, and more. If any of these keys are lost or stolen, your customers are fully protected and can have them replaced without any additional expenses. This comprehensive coverage ensures that your customers can continue with their daily activities without any interruptions.

                                    Vehicle Lockout Assistance and Towing Coverage:

                                    Prosidium Key Shield doesn’t stop at key replacement coverage. As a policyholder, your customers will also benefit from vehicle lockout assistance of up to $100 per occurrence. Accidentally locking oneself out of a vehicle can happen to anyone, but with this coverage, customers can rely on quick assistance to regain entry to their vehicles. Additionally, if customers find themselves stranded away from home due to lost or damaged keys, Prosidium Key Shield provides towing assistance to make sure they and their vehicles are safely transported.

                                    24-Hour Roadside Assistance:

                                    Prosidium Key Shield offers 24-hour roadside assistance benefits, providing your customers with support in unexpected situations. Whether they need a tow, a flat tire change, emergency gas delivery, a battery jump-start, or even help with a home lockout, this coverage has them covered. The comprehensive package of services ensures that your customers can confidently navigate any challenges on the road.

                                    Losing or having car keys stolen can be a frustrating and costly experience. Prosidium Key Shield is here to provide your customers with the protection and peace of mind they deserve. With coverage for key replacement, personal keys, vehicle lockout assistance, towing coverage, and 24-hour roadside assistance, Prosidium Key Shield is the ultimate solution to alleviate worries and ensure worry-free driving experiences.

                                    Don’t let the fear of lost or stolen keys weigh you or your customers down. Help them safeguard their car keys and enjoy a seamless driving experience with Prosidium Key Shield.

                                    Contact us to learn more about our full-service vehicle contracts and how they can help you. Don’t forget that at Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we want you to drive with confidence and peace of mind.

                                    Program coverage and access vary by state. See details on our product page.

                                    Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                                    In today’s world, we rely on the technology in our cars for safety, comfort, and connectivity. However, these advanced systems can be difficult and costly to repair if they are damaged or break down. That’s why Prosidium Tech Care was created—to provide car buyers with protection for some of the high-cost electronic systems now added to most vehicles.

                                    Protect Your Investment:

                                    Prosidium Tech Care offers protection for electronic systems such as navigation, Bluetooth, and safety systems. With Tech Care, you can have peace of mind knowing that your vehicle’s electronic systems are safe against unexpected damage and repairs. The terms for coverage range from 1 year or 12,000 miles to 4 years or 48,000 miles for pre-owned vehicles, and 3 years or 50,000 miles to 8 years or 120,000 miles for new vehicles.

                                    No Deductibles or Limits:

                                    One of the best features of Prosidium Tech Care is that there are no deductibles or limits on coverage benefits. This means that if something goes wrong with your electronic systems, you won’t have to pay out of pocket for covered repairs.

                                    High-Tech Protection Today:

                                    If you’ve invested in a high-tech vehicle, it’s important to protect that investment with Prosidium Tech Care. With coverage options ranging from 1 to 8 years, you can choose the plan that best suits your needs and budget. And with 24-hour roadside assistance and no deductibles or limits on coverage benefits, you can drive with confidence knowing that you’re covered. Contact your local dealership today to learn more about Prosidium Tech Care and how it can protect your high-tech vehicle.

                                    Contact us to learn more about our full-service vehicle contracts and how they can help you. Don’t forget that at Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we want you to drive with confidence and peace of mind.

                                    Program coverage and availability vary by state. See product details on our product page.

                                    Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                                    Leasing a vehicle has become a popular option in recent years, providing drivers the option to drive a new car without the long-term commitment of buying. However, with leasing comes the duty of maintaining the vehicle throughout the span of the lease. That’s where Prosidium Lease Care comes in – a product designed to help car leasers maintain their vehicle and protect it from damage and repairs.

                                    Comprehensive Coverage for Your Leased Vehicle:

                                    Prosidium Lease Care provides a comprehensive range of coverage options to protect your leased vehicle against damage and repairs. This includes Paintless Dent Repair, Windshield Repair and Replacement coverage, Key Replacement, and Interior and Exterior protection by means of material sealant. This makes sure that your leased vehicle stays in top condition throughout the full length of your lease.

                                    Lease End Benefit:

                                    Prosidium Lease Care also provides a lease end benefit of up to $2,000 towards common items that may need repair or replacement at the end of your lease. This includes Tire and Wheel repairs, Paint Damage, Signal and Brake bulbs, Rips and Tears, and more. This benefit grants peace of mind for drivers who may be concerned about end-of-lease costs.

                                    24-Hour Roadside Assistance:

                                    On top of the comprehensive coverage options, Prosidium Lease Care also includes 24-hour roadside assistance. This service provides towing, flat tire changes, emergency gas delivery, battery jumps, and a key lockout service, ensuring that you’re never stranded on the side of the road.

                                    No Deductibles or Limits:

                                    With Prosidium Lease Care, there are no deductibles or limits on coverage benefits, providing maximum protection for your leased vehicle. Additionally, there are no single event limits for the Lease End Coverage benefit, providing flexibility and coverage that matches your needs.

                                    Benefits of Prosidium Lease Care:

                                    Prosidium Lease Care offers a range of benefits that are made for the unique needs of car leasers. With comprehensive coverage options, a lease end benefit, and 24-hour roadside assistance, you can rest assured knowing that your leased vehicle is protected against unexpected damage and repairs. Additionally, the lack of deductibles or limits on coverage benefits provides maximum protection for your leased vehicle.

                                    Protect Your Leased Vehicle with Prosidium Lease Care:

                                    Leasing a vehicle can be a great option for those who want a new car without the commitment of purchasing. However, it’s important to ensure that the vehicle is protected against damages and repairs. With Prosidium Lease Care, you can have peace of mind knowing that your leased vehicle is protected against unexpected damage and repairs. From Paintless Dent Repair to Interior and Exterior protection, Lease Care provides complete protection for your leased vehicle. Contact your local dealership today to learn more about Prosidium Lease Care and how it can help you maintain your leased vehicle.

                                    Contact us to learn more about our full-service vehicle contracts and how they can help you. Don’t forget that at Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we want you to drive with confidence and peace of mind.

                                    Program coverage and access vary by state. See details on our product page.

                                    Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                                    When you invest in a vehicle, you want to ensure that it’s protected against unexpected damages and repairs. That’s where Prosidium Total Care comes in – a unique product designed as a packaged bundle of several individual products, providing complete protection for your vehicle. Total Care combines a range of coverage options, including Tire & Wheel coverage, Cosmetic Wheel coverage, Windshield Protection coverage, Key Replacement coverage, and Paintless dent repair, all in one convenient plan.

                                    Comprehensive Coverage for Your Vehicle:

                                    Prosidium Total Care offers a range of coverage options to protect your vehicle against unexpected damages and repairs. Tire & Wheel coverage provides protection for your tires and wheels, covering the cost of repairs or replacement due to road hazards such as nails or potholes. Cosmetic Wheel coverage ensures that your wheels remain in pristine condition, covering the cost of cosmetic damages such as scratches, scuffs, and scrapes. Windshield Protection coverage provides coverage for chips or cracks, ensuring that your windshield remains clear and free of damage. Key Replacement coverage provides coverage for lost or damaged keys, while Paintless dent repair offers a fast and cost-effective solution for dents less than 4 inches in diameter.

                                    24-Hour Roadside Assistance:

                                    In addition to the comprehensive coverage options, Prosidium Total Care also includes 24-hour roadside assistance. This service provides towing, flat tire changes, emergency gas delivery, battery jumps, and a key lockout service, ensuring that you’re never stranded on the side of the road.

                                    Flexible Coverage Options:

                                    With Prosidium Total Care, you have the flexibility to choose the coverage options that are most important to you. There are multiple coverage options available, allowing you to tailor the plan to your unique needs and preferences. This means that you can select the coverage options that make the most sense for your vehicle and your budget.

                                    Benefits of Prosidium Total Care:

                                    Prosidium Total Care offers a range of benefits that are tailored to the unique needs of vehicle owners. With comprehensive coverage options and 24-hour roadside assistance, you can rest assured knowing that your vehicle is protected against unexpected damages and repairs. The flexible coverage options allow you to choose the coverage that makes the most sense for your vehicle and your budget, ensuring that you’re never paying for coverage that you don’t need.

                                    Protect Your Vehicle with Prosidium Total Care:

                                    Your vehicle is an investment, and it deserves the best possible protection. With Prosidium Total Care, you can have peace of mind knowing that your vehicle is protected against unexpected damages and repairs. From Tire & Wheel coverage to Paintless dent repair, Total Care provides complete protection for your vehicle, all in one convenient plan. Contact your local dealership today to learn more about Prosidium Total Care and how it can safeguard your vehicle.

                                    Contact us to learn more about our full-service vehicle contracts and how they can help you. Don’t forget that at Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we want you to drive with confidence and peace of mind.

                                    Program coverage and access vary by state. See details on our product page.

                                    Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                                    If you’re the proud owner of a luxury vehicle, you know that it’s not just a way to get around, but a statement of your personal style and success. However, with luxury comes a responsibility to protect your investment, and unexpected repairs can quickly become a financial burden. That’s where Prosidium Luxury Care comes in – a mechanical vehicle service contract that was made to provide comprehensive coverage and peace of mind for higher-end automobile owners.

                                    What sets Prosidium Luxury Care apart from other service contracts in the market is its tailored coverage options and benefits that cater to the unique needs of luxury vehicle owners. Let’s take a closer look at what makes Prosidium Luxury Care the ultimate protection for your prized possession.

                                    Comprehensive Coverage Options:

                                    Prosidium Luxury Care offers a range of coverage options to suit your specific needs. For new and preowned vehicles, you can choose from Powertrain Plus, Preferred, or Maximum coverage plans. Powertrain Plus provides coverage for essential powertrain components, while Preferred expands the coverage to include major mechanical and electrical components. Maximum, as the name suggests, offers the most comprehensive coverage, including virtually all mechanical and electrical components of your vehicle, giving you complete peace of mind.

                                    In addition to the standard coverage options, Prosidium Luxury Care permits you to add additional coverage for specific parts such as seals and gaskets, hydraulic suspensions, and air bladder suspensions. This allows you to change your coverage to match the unique features of your luxury vehicle, ensuring that you are protected against unexpected repair costs.

                                    Additional Benefits for Added Peace of Mind:

                                    Prosidium Luxury Care goes beyond basic coverage by providing additional benefits that are tailored to the needs of luxury vehicle owners. With 24-hour roadside assistance, you can rest assured knowing that help is just a phone call away, whether you’re stuck on the side of the road or locked out of your vehicle. Substitute transportation reimbursement ensures that you won’t be left stranded if your vehicle requires repairs, and trip interruption reimbursement provides coverage for expenses such as accommodations and meals if you’re stranded away from home due to a covered repair.

                                    Discounts and Deductible Options:

                                    Prosidium Luxury Care also offers attractive discounts and deductible options to further enhance the value of your coverage. Returning to the purchasing dealership for repairs can earn you a discount, ensuring that your vehicle is serviced by trained technicians who are familiar with your luxury vehicle. Deductible options allow you to choose a level of out-of-pocket expense that fits your budget and preferences, giving you flexibility in managing your repair costs.

                                    Peace of Mind for Luxury Vehicle Owners:

                                    With Prosidium Luxury Care, luxury vehicle owners can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their investment is protected against unexpected and costly repairs. The tailored coverage options, additional benefits, and flexible deductible options make Prosidium Luxury Care a comprehensive and customizable solution for luxury vehicle owners.

                                    Don’t let unexpected repairs drain your wallet and tarnish your luxury driving experience. Invest in Prosidium Luxury Care and drive with confidence, knowing that you’re protected by the ultimate mechanical vehicle service contract for luxury vehicles. Contact your local dealership today to learn more about Prosidium Luxury Care and how it can safeguard your high-end automobile.

                                    Contact us to learn more about our full-service vehicle contracts and how they can help you. Don’t forget that at Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we want you to drive with confidence and peace of mind.

                                    Program coverage and access vary by state. See details on our product page.

                                    Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                                    Prosidium Warranty & Capital is excited to announce the launch of our newest automotive warranty product: Catalytic Converter Theft Shield. This product protects vehicles from unexpected and expensive repairs resulting from catalytic converter thefts.

                                    Catalytic converter thefts have become a growing problem in recent years, with thieves targeting vehicles for the valuable metals in their catalytic converters. In fact, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, there were over 25,000 catalytic converter thefts in the United States in 2020 alone.

                                    With Catalytic Converter Theft Shield, customers can protect their vehicles from this costly and inconvenient crime. The product can be purchased at any dealership that offers Prosidium Warranty & Capital products, providing customers with peace of mind and protection against unexpected repair bills.

                                    Program coverage and access vary by state. See details on our product page.

                                    Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. Prosidium Warranty & Capital has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA.


                                    What Does a Vehicle Warranty Administrator Do?

                                    Automotive Warranty Administrators are the connection between a dealership, a warranty holder and repair facilities. They provide support during the sale of the contract and aid to contract holders who need to make use of their benefits. Administrators help guide the vehicle repair or claim process between the agreement holder and repair facility, as well as other parties that may be involved.

                                    Warranty coverage is meant to lessen the financial risk that comes with vehicle ownership and the unavoidable maintenance and repairs. These warranties are sometimes referred to as a third-party warranty or an extended warranty, which refers to the lengthening of the manufacturer’s warranty.

                                    How is Prosidium Warranty & Capital different from other Auto Warranty Administrators?

                                    Our main goal is to deliver first-rate customer service to dealership employees, vehicle owners, and mechanics who help get owners back on the road. Our competitors in the industry use complex phone queues and have long hold times that drag on all processes for finding solutions to your needs. When a mechanic calls Prosidium Warranty & Capital, they will speak to a real person within 15 seconds, saving all parties involved valuable time.

                                    While quick and clear communication is essential, we discovered that training presents a great possibility for success with dealerships in educating customers about the potential benefits of warranty products. We assist dealer personnel in learning our products and procedures by utilizing our top-tier training professionals who link with our dealership clients and by organizing training events at our training center.

                                    Prosidium Warranty & Capital takes pride in offering a wide range of products and having a quick-thinking staff of product developers who can quickly design new products depending on shifting consumer demands. Our product offerings in RVs, Powersports, and Automotive meet a variety of consumer needs. Additionally, we can white glove brand-new products for dealerships to meet a variety of consumer needs, giving customers peace of mind as they drive off the lot.

                                    Principal Warranty Corp Stats

                                    Who do I contact in the event my vehicle breaks down?

                                    A certified mechanic is required to carry out all covered repairs. However, the first action depends on where your car is. If your plan allows it and your car isn’t at home or in a good spot, call 24/7 Roadside Assistance to have it towed to a shop. Give your vehicle’s warranty to the licensed mechanic once it is there, and ask them to contact us to start a claim. To proceed with your repairs, we will collaborate with your mechanic.

                                    Prosidium Warranty & Capital is pleased to announce the opening of a new office in Scottsdale, Arizona.  

                                    The new Scottsdale office will serve many functions, one of which is to increase our total number of claims adjusters.  As we grow, our goal is to have low hold times with no phone trees, which we do by having the appropriate number of team members to best serve our clients and contract holders.  With the addition of the Scottsdale office, we can continue to meet our clients’ service expectations by building our team of adjusters and customer support experts while continuing to use our cutting-edge technology systems to guarantee seamless integration between offices.   

                                    Dan Mason, Executive Vice President, will be leading the Scottsdale office growth and expansion of PWC’s training and development division.  “Scottsdale was a great pick as it helps service a sizeable portion of our clients along the West Coast and Southern United States,” said Dan.  “In addition to holding training events for internal use, we are excited to have this expanded space with modern technology to amplify our existing top tier comprehensive dealership training programs.” 

                                    Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                                    Why would I want GAP coverage?

                                    Many lenders require comprehensive coverage on your auto insurance policy if you’re leasing or financing a new car until it’s paid off.

                                    GAP (Guaranteed Auto Protection) is intended to be used in conjunction with collision or comprehensive insurance. If you have a covered claim, your collision or comprehensive coverage will assist in paying for your totaled or stolen vehicle up to its depreciated worth. Most vehicles lose roughly 20% of their value in the first year of ownership.

                                    But what if you still owe more on your loan or lease than the depreciated worth of the vehicle? This is where GAP coverage can come in handy.

                                    When would GAP coverage help me?

                                    If you owe more than the vehicle is worth on your vehicle loan, there will be a “GAP” in the value of your vehicle that can be paid out by insurance, and what is left on the loan. “Totaled” signifies that the repair costs surpass the vehicle’s worth. The decision to declare your vehicle “a total loss” is based on state regulations and your insurer’s discretion.

                                    How does GAP coverage work?

                                    Here’s an illustration of how GAP coverage might work: Assume you paid $30,000 for a brand-new vehicle. If your vehicle is totaled in a covered collision, you still owe $18,000 on your auto loan. Your collision coverage would reimburse your lender up to the depreciated value of the damaged car, say $14,000. If you do not have GAP coverage, you will be required to pay $1,000 out of pocket to settle your auto loan on the totaled vehicle. If you have GAP coverage, your insurer will contribute to the $1,000.

                                    Keep in mind that in the preceding example, the vehicle insurance refund goes entirely to your auto lender to pay off a totaled vehicle. If you believe you may need assistance in obtaining a new automobile if yours is totaled, you might consider purchasing new car replacement coverage. Some insurers bundle loan/lease GAP coverage with new car replacement coverage as a single add-on to a new automobile insurance policy.

                                    What is gap insurance

                                    Is gap insurance worth it?

                                    If you’re thinking about purchasing gap insurance, keep in mind that this type of coverage may only be offered if you’re leasing or financing a new vehicle. Then consider how much you owe on your automobile loan in comparison to its value. Do you owe more than the value of your car? Can you afford to pay the difference alone if your car is totaled? Consider Prosidium GAP coverage on your vehicle with the following in mind:

                                        • If you made less than a 20 percent down payment on your vehicle

                                        • If your auto loan is 60 months or longer

                                        • If you’re leasing a vehicle.

                                      Have questions about GAP coverage? Talk to your dealership finance manager, or check out our Prosidium GAP coverage product page at this link.

                                      What is an Ancillary Vehicle Service Contract (VSC)?

                                      Third party warranties (we will use VSC’s for short) are coverages that can help you prevent expensive repairs from eating into your wallet. Having an unexpected bill for your new or used car can be frustrating and difficult to budget for. Your VSC acts as a shield to help cover you and your family from costly repairs. Service contracts come in a wide variety of options, but typically they break down into either bundled coverage for a wide variety of vehicle components, or as coverage plans for more specific repairs/replacements. Ancillary VSC’s are warranty options that can go beyond mechanical protection and ensure peace of mind in a variety of ways. From vehicle theft protection to key replacements, ancillaries can be a great option for adding to your overall coverage.

                                      Examples of Ancillary Vehicle Service Contracts:

                                      Prosidium Wear Shield– Wear Shield is a warranty that offers protection for parts not typically covered in a manufacturer’s warranty, or in other vehicle service contracts. Examples of items not typically covered include tires, brake pads, and brake rotors. Prosidium Wear Shield also includes 24/7 Roadside Assistance.

                                      Prosidium Key Shield– Prosidium Key Shield is a standalone protection coverage that covers the cost of replacing your key(s) if they are lost, stolen, or damaged. The Prosidium Key Shield protection plan comes with 24/7 Roadside Assistance.

                                      Prosidium Connect – Have even more peace of mind with your vehicle by having a professionally installed GPS anti-theft system by Elo. Not only do you have geofencing and advanced security alerts with Elo, you can also easily see vehicle health and monitor for potential mechanical issues using the built in CarRx feature. Read car diagnostics or set security guidelines from the convenience of the CarRx & Elo phone app.

                                      What should I do if I have a third party warranty and my car breaks down?

                                      All covered repairs must be performed by a licensed mechanic. But the very first step depends on where your vehicle is located. If your vehicle is not at home or in an ideal location and your plan offers it, call 24/7 Roadside Assistance to get towed to a mechanic. Once your vehicle is at a licensed mechanic, provide them with your Prosidium vehicle service contract and ask them to call us to initiate a claim. We will work with your mechanic to move forward with your repairs.

                                      Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                                      Prosidium Warranty & Capital is pleased to announce our new partnership with the New Century Auto Group Airstream. New Century has locations in Nevada and California. 

                                      New Century Auto Group Airstream locations strive to provide top tier pre-owned and new Airstream recreational vehicles. 

                                      Prosidium Warranty & Capital has carried out our RV Service Contract products at all Airstream locations. PWC products and services include RV & Auto Service Contracts, GAP, ancillary protection programs, administration, outstanding product training, with industry leading claims processing and call times.  

                                      Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                                      Prosidium Warranty & Capital is thrilled to announce our new partnership with the Johnson RV group. Johnson RV has locations in Oregon, Washington, and California and has one of the largest selections of motorhomes on the West Coast. 

                                      Johnson RV is a family-owned business that strives to deliver top tier pre-owned and new motorhomes. They follow well defined and stringent policies to make sure that any pre-owned motorhome is as close to new as possible while having a wide selection of new motorhomes available.

                                      Prosidium Warranty & Capital has adopted our full suite of F&I products at all Johnson RV locations. PWC products and services include vehicle service contracts, GAP, ancillary protection programs, administration, outstanding product training, with industry-leading claims processing and call times. 

                                      “We looked at quite a few service contract companies before finally going with PWC. We wanted a big presence with a local company feel and we got that with Prosidium Warranty & Capital,” expressed Uriah Beltran, Finance Director for all Johnson RV dealerships. 

                                      “We are extremely excited to work with everyone at Johnson RV. Their four core values match well with our company and are just part of why Johnson RV is a leader in motorhome sales on the west coast.,” said Keith Hofkamp, VP of Field Operations.  

                                      Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                                      Prosidium Warranty & Capital is excited to announce a unique new product, Prosidium Cosmetic Care! 

                                      PWC’s Cosmetic Care is designed to enable dealerships to enhance their premium line-up of vehicles with a protection product which takes care of the customers’ investment aesthetically.

                                      The policy includes Wheel Repair, Paintless Dent Repair, and Windshield Repair – all of which have no deductible and are transferable. Our Cosmetic Care product allows for “unlimited” benefits for the term of the plan.  

                                      Prosidium Warranty & Capital strives to offer a variety of programs to help customers keep their vehicle in top condition, maintain vehicle value, and provide maximum protection. Cosmetic Care covers repair costs for some of the most common “cosmetic” flaws to your vehicle; wheel scratches, dents and dings, windshield cracks, stars and chips.

                                      Contact us to learn more about our full-service vehicle contracts and how they can help you. Don’t forget that at Prosidium Warranty & Capital, we want you to drive with confidence and peace of mind.

                                      Program coverage and access vary by state. See details on our product page.

                                      Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA. 

                                      Prosidium Warranty & Capital is pleased to announce our new partnership with the Fletcher Jones Family of Fine Dealerships. The Fletcher Jones Auto Group comprises 13 dealerships and employs over 510 people nationwide.

                                      The Fletcher Jones brand came from humble beginnings in 1946, with Fletcher Jones Senior starting the first dealership in downtown Los Angeles. They now have 13 successful Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Porsche dealerships around the nation, including California, Nevada, Hawaii, and Chicago. Fletcher Jones dealerships have the most innovative automotive facilities, staffed by some of the industry’s best and most experienced employees. Their stores are currently number one in sales nationally for Audi and Mercedes-Benz.  

                                      Prosidium Warranty & Capital has implemented our full suite of F&I products at all Fletcher Jones locations. PWC products and services include vehicle service contracts, GAP, ancillary protection programs, administration, innovative product, and F&I training, with industry-leading claims processing and call times.

                                      “We looked at a number of different companies to partner with when starting our reinsurance company. Prosidium Warranty & Capital was absolutely the best fit for us. We feel like their customer-centric approach to the business mirrors our values as a company. Also, the ability to collaborate on the design rather than having to take the off the shelf product was important to us. We have been more than pleased with the roll out and partnership and look forward to our continued success”, expressed Fletcher Jones III, COO for Fletcher Jones.

                                      “The idea of doing things right, no matter what, was an initial draw for both our companies. Then realizing that empowering people and providing world-class customer service was a driving factor for both of us, it proved to be a fantastic match”, said Travis Coulter, President/CEO of Prosidium Warranty & Capital “Partnering with an organization the caliber of Fletcher Jones is a responsibility we embrace, and together, both our teams look forward to a long and prosperous relationship”.

                                      Prosidium Warranty & Capital is a customer-centric company that takes pride in our automotive and recreational vehicle F&I products and wealth building programs for dealers, agents, and contract holders all over the nation. Our full line of F&I products for auto, RV, and powersports includes exclusive and comprehensive mechanical service contracts, lifetime and limited warranty programs, GAP, ancillary plans, reinsurance programs, dealer development and compliance training. PWC has its head office north of Seattle in Burlington, WA.

                                      What is a Vehicle Service Contract (VSC) or Third Party Warranty? 

                                      Third party warranties (we will use VSC’s for short) help you prevent expensive repairs from eating into your wallet. Having an unexpected bill for your new or used car can be frustrating and difficult to budget for. Your VSC acts as a shield to help protect you and your family from costly repairs. Service contracts can come in a wide range of options, but typically they break down into either bundled coverage for a wide variety of vehicle components, or as coverage plans for more specific repairs/replacements. 

                                      Examples of Vehicle Service Contracts: 

                                      Prosidium Auto Care– Auto Care is a bundle of different mechanical coverage levels, which lets you choose how much of your vehicle that you want protected. Choose from basic powertrain coverage or go for a maximum plan that covers anything except for some excluded items. Auto, RV, and Powersport Care VSC’s include benefits like 24/7 Roadside Assistance, rental car coverages, trip interruption protections. Your Auto Care protection plan can also be upgraded to have prepaid maintenance – saving you money on future maintenance costs. 

                                      Prosidium Luxury Care– With Prosidium Luxury Care, you can expect a plan tailored to your high-end automotive vehicle. Our Luxury Care is very similar to Prosidium Auto Care; however we created Luxury Care to synergize with the different, and often more complex parts of your new or used vehicle.

                                      Prosidium Tech Care– Prosidium Tech Care is a type of VSC that is aimed at covering factory installed modern technology components. Vehicles are becoming far more technology driven, with high replacement costs for components like GPS systems, sound systems, sunroof tracks, touch screen systems, and much more. Prosidium Tech Care provides a more targeted protection plan for these high-cost electrical systems.

                                      Prosidium Secure Care– Prosidium Secure Care aims at providing higher mileage vehicles an option for mechanical protection, similar to Auto Care. Components like your Engine, Drive Axle, Transmission, Electrical, and more are covered while getting excellent additional benefits like 24/7 Roadside Assistance. Coverage can optionally extend to those with Hybrid vehicles or Lift Kits.

                                      What should I do if I have a third party warranty and my car breaks down? 

                                      All covered repairs must be performed by a licensed mechanic. But the very first step depends on where your vehicle is located. If your vehicle is not at home or in an ideal location and your plan offers it, call 24/7 Roadside Assistance to get towed to a mechanic. Once your vehicle is at a licensed mechanic, provide them with your Prosidium vehicle service contract and ask them to call us to initiate a claim. We will work with your mechanic to move forward with your repairs.